I saw your post earlier Restrangled, from my phone and couldn't answer.
I was a stay at home mom for about 16 years, off and on. I would work some, part PART time mostly, save for 3 years while I was a single mom, where I worked a lot, parented, and partied <ahem>. Just recently I went "back to work" but I'm self employed, and trying harder to be self motivated.
I was never a very good housewife, but I rocked as a mom, I think....jury is still out on that one.
My husband is a neat freak, and would complain that things aren't to his standards, and then I'd push forth a huge effort, and then I'd slide again. It was hard work, as there are more than the average amount of kids, and a really huge house. Excuses I know.
Now our roles are reversed, he's not a working parent right now, and does the running and school stuff, and going to the store we do together because we enjoy it....if I'm busy he'd gladly go without me. He's understanding now how hard it is to do things around the house, be a parent, and make all ends meet, and has apologized for being so judgemental and critical. I tell him just be glad none of them are still breastfeeding, in diapers, and that he doesn't have to gestate!
It does mean a lot that he realizes what it takes, and has thanked me for allowing him to take this time being layed off to enjoy his kids and appreciate my role.