So many wonderful stories, thank you all!
I have to relay a story to DaCheech if he is still reading based on part of his response:
"my house is never more than 90% clean, for my children are slobs and there's always playdo or legos somewhere to trip on"
My house was loaded with loose legos, in the couches, under rugs, beds, pantry, corners, anywhere you could ever imagine. I always pulled them out of the vacuum or dustpan. I just kept a special spot to dump them. This went on for at least 15 years. After my youngest son left, I just collected them, including the ones he managed to keep together and put them in a huge heavy duty lawn bag out in the garage.
Several years later both sons decided to return home for awhile...(now in their 20's)
One of my fondest memories is of the day, when my older son, my husband and myself, just for kicks pulled out that bag of lego's and sorted them all into bins for my younger son who was at work at the time.
It took us many hours, but the entire time we were laughing and reminiscing of the times we spent together. When we finished at least $2000.00 worth of legos were sorted by colors, little men, castles, dragons, boats, etc. At least 10 bins worth to the brim. When my younger son arrived home he was astonished, and although he will never admit to this, we heard him sorting and putting together some of his favorites in his room. It put a smile on all of our hearts.
Those legos are now back out to the garage, still sorted, waiting for grandchildren to drop them into every crevice possible.