Informal poll...Which Meeting was the most boring for you? Which one did you stop attending first?

by mindmelda 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • teel

    For me the public talk was the most boring, it was just too long, and it was rare that a skilled person gave it. In real life most of the persons would never qualify to give a public speech. The talk was unstructured, it had no sense of direction, and you just couldn't link one part to the next, like there was a big bump between them, all unconnected.

    I guess they usually took the outline, and gave meat to all points separately without consideration as to what is the main purpose of the talk, and have it all converge to it, or at least link the different parts somehow.

    There were some who were truly great, and it was not only my personal assessement, but I remember hearing whispers in the congregation: brother X is giving the talk? Oh, I'm so glad, this will be so interresting.

    The TMS / Ministry was a bit better, because at least there the talks were short, and before you truly got bored of it, an other one came (just as boring, but at least differently boring). Watchtower study required active participation (for a long time I carried the microphone, so that was ok), and on the Book study because of the size I felt sort of like a true christial fellowship, that I had usually not felt in the KH.

    That said, I left them all at once too.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Book study and that damned Isaiah book. I bet them crappy books were responsible for at least a 3rd of the people leaving. Than after one go round thru the muck they had em study it again?!?

  • lisavegas420

    Thursday night meeting was the worst for me.., get home from school, clean house, start dinner, two freaking hours of boredum and knowing you will be beat if you fall asleep (oh, and we were the first there and last to leave family)....., then do homework and be able to get up and go to school the next morning.


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    The one I started missing most regularly at first was the book study, especially when we started going through the Isaiah book. Their bogus interpretations of all these prophetic books(Daniel and Revelation, too) just got to be too much to bear.

  • nelly136

    all at once.

  • badseed

    I think the watchtower was the worst, I couldn't wait for that final prayer that morning. I was in a small cong. so I usually had a part on tuesday night. I always tried to give my talks a twist to make them interesting. All in all, man those meetings were boring. All of them. I returned a few times afterwards but could never figure out why they never tried to make them interesting and mind provoking. The argument is that "we can't go too deep, what if there's a new one he wouldn't understand". So they get spoon feed just in case there's a new one there.

  • Heaven

    Back in my day, we really only had 'book studies'. My Father wasn't into religion at all so he put the kibosh on my Mom's Hall attendance and activities. When I was a kid, on our lunch my Mom would sometimes sit us down to do some reading in the orange "Paradise" book.

    As a teen, we had Sunday Book Study ( I think the blue "Truth" book -- the first one from 1969 -- was one of them ) but that didn't last because as we got older, we got busier and our schedules all started to conflict. Homework from school plus part-time jobs plus farm chores were interfering. My brothers stopped studying altogether and the studies just petered out. The 'awakening' in me and my siblings had started as well so we were looking for ways to get out of it. The red "Your Youth" book didn't endear me one bit to this religion! Luckily, the realities of life actually saved us from it all. My younger bro. and I escaped to the city to attend College and our lives became way too busy to dedicate any time to the JWs.

  • spawn

    I can't remember off hand but I think it I just went one sunday and gave up after the Public Talk, walked out and have never been back.

  • Cinnamon (TOO)
    Cinnamon (TOO)

    Field service is the WORST, especially when I had summer vacation.

    Tuesday night bookstudy. I mean it's right in the middle of the week and it's not even hump day! I remember starting 6th grade at a Middle school with 8hr days (7:30- 4pm or something). I wasn't used to the long days or homework so, I fell asleep at bookstudy the first week of school. Of course, one of the Elders made a comment to my mother. This is one of the few times my mother actually defended me and explained to her that I was still adjusting to the new schedule. Now, you know I wasn't allowed to get away with it next week but that small victory felt pretty sweet.

  • shopaholic

    Theocratic Ministry School and Service borefest, although I always looked forward to the local needs...hated when they reviewed old mag articles as I wanted to hear the dirt going on the congo.

    Oh yeah, it was also the first one I stopped attending, although my fade was relatively quick.

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