For born ins- what tipped you off it was wrong

by teela(2) 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    You are my hero for the day. I, too, noticed that we didn't do what Jesus told us to do, but the other churches did. We even received help from Catholic Charities! I was a kid when I noticed the good being done by "false religion." Why didn't we do what they did?

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    The Internet.

    I started researching the organisation and came upon all manner of information that really woke me up! Now I feel so embarrassed and ashamed that I have been deceived all my life.


  • VoidEater

    They treated people wrongly, which a God Of Love would not condone.

    Lack of justice - I was stuck with the Two Witnesses Rule, which was clearly a man-made mandate that allowed prolonged suffering.

    The hypocrisy of 1975 double-speak was the final straw.

    All of this was contrary to what I internally held as true.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    I also noticed that other churches were out helping people and doing many good deeds. Not the JWs. It made no sense to me.

  • Twitch

    99.0% of the world isn't a JW

    Among other rational and reasonable things,...

  • flipper

    Unjust actions of the elders. I saw it for years- but until I really EXPERIENCED it up close and personal over 6 years ago - only then did it hit me like a bolt of lightning. They were giving me their own personal opinions instead of using the Bible or even the WT literature in counseling me on a very important matter regarding protecting my JW teenage daughters. So- I got up, took my books off my seat and walked out of the kingdom hall at age 44 after attending all my life . I figured - " If the ELDERS aren't going to protect my daughters - then WHO are these guys anyway ! ? " Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • yknot

    I had 'issues' with the direction taken in the 80s.

    Certain WT articles and the constant 'going beyond scripture' worried' me but like all good dubbies I was 'waiting on Jehovah' and assumed like everyone else that this system wouldn't /couldn't possibly last beyond the last century or no later than 2014.

    The rest I wrote off as being a 'local problem', the BOE simply lacked discernment and were spiritually weak.

    One day I was lazy googling the by puting in 'Jehovahs witness' and accidently clicked on the link below it..JWD (the rest is history)

  • Brocephus

    The Revelation book... realized it was all made up stuff. That and the judicial committe I endured for getting a hand job... Dang can't a teenage boy have ANY fun in this cult?

  • Elsewhere

    > For born ins- what tipped you off it was wrong

    I found the whole religion to be exhausting. I just couldn't keep up with all of the rules.

    Also, deep down I never really "believed"... I was born an atheist and remained one. I really wasn't paying much attention to the doctrine problems because I really wasn't interested.

  • MissingLink

    My little boy asking why he'd never met my (DF) sister who I hadn't talked to in 17 years. I had no answer, and "looking it up" was when things started to unravel.

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