I just have to add my 2c here as well. Luckily, I had a new song book with me, as an old friend kindly gave me one after it was first released - this was the first time using it though. I could not believe how LAME both songs sounded. At least the old versions of these two had some sort of melody. There was no joy, no life in any of the singing. Two verses of both of these songs are two verses too many.
I don't have the songbook at hand right now, but I believe one of the songs made mention of the fact that because Jesus gave his life, now Jehovah is able to forgive us. No ransom = no forgiveness? That was new to me. More guilt.
All in all, the Memorial is just another meeting, no more no less. I agree with those who call it the Reject Jesus Party. Sad, really. It was good to see the people, though, some of whom were really glad to see me which was the only silver lining to the whole charade.