After reading 'The greatest show on earth' by Dawkins, i have been intrigued by how biblical literalists explain the many findings that seem to support evolution and contradict various parts of the bible. In doing to i have browsed around on AiG but i have generally felt let down by the quality of evidence and interpretations they present. So i would like to ask all non-evolutionists: If i wanted to learn more about the physical case against evolution, what books should i read?
Good books against evolution?
by bohm 52 Replies latest jw friends
jonathan dough
Darwin on Trial by Phillip Johnson. He destroys the evolutionists, buries them. It's a must read.
The all-time bestseller: Genesis.
There are big problems with a non-scientist getting into technical areas and trying to understand them.
For one thing, experts know more than we do.
Experts are on both sides of these arguments.
Arguments or debates usually end up with one guy quoting his experts and the other guy quoting another batch on the other side!
Quote wars are boring. Nobody really reads them, do they?
It is a non-debate.
So, now what do you do?
An intellectually dishonest person does this: They select experts that agree with what they already think and ignore the others!
What does an intellectually honest person do? They try and read both sides of an issue.
But--what good does that do if it is highly technical and mountains of evidence are sifted, interpreted and framed in contradictory ways?
That is the conundrum.
I have had to simply stay away from Evolution as an argument to participate in. I can't understand certain things which are explained over and over again and then contradicted over and over again.
It is above my pay grade!
Until I get smarter (ain't gonna happen) I have to remain on the sidelines.
So, now what?
Read this:
Interestingly however many books are published attempting to disprove evolution, the world around us continues to evolve.
We learnt about the limitations of books from all those WT publications that turned out to be laughably wrong. Books are just opinions unless they they can prove or demonstrate their assertions beyond any doubt.
Books fall into two categories, fiction or non-fiction. Often so called fiction books contain more facts that books that claim to be non-fiction. Let the reader beware!
Reality happens.
There are a few books that reconcile BOTH and those are, in my view, far better than those that think Evolution has all the answers and those that think evolution has none.
Hello bohm,
This might not answer all the specific questions you have but I am sure you will enjoy it
The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief
This could be good
The Dawkins Delusion?: Atheist Fundamentalism and the Denial of the Divine
I haven't read it but I have seen Alister debate directly with Dawkins on YouTube most effectively.
Anyhow, there are plenty of other interesting books
There Is a God: How the World's Most Notorious...
God is No Delusion: A Refutation of Richard Dawkins
Answering the New Atheism: Dismantling Dawkins'...
Atheist Delusions: The Christian Revolution...
Why There Almost Certainly Is a God: Doubting Dawkins
50 Reasons People Give for Believing in a God
The Darwin Myth: The Life and Lies of Charles D...
Thanks Jonathan!
the Creator book published by jws? i heard that was a real good one.
Most christians, including the former Pope ( don't know how the cureect one stands on it) accept evolution as a fact of how life evolved from its creation, including man.
Many books you find countering atheisim ( like those mentioned by Stephen) mention evolution because too many athiests make it the corner stone of their attack on Theisim.