"Are you sure about that? Looks all out of whack to me."
No i agree that it's out of whack because sun/stars is out of order with the rest. Obviously plants can't perform photosynthesis without the sun, and I don't agree with the literal view of genesis in any way what-so-ever.
I just find it interesting that (taking out the sun/stars part) the order is pretty close to what evolution predicts and has been verified by evidence. It's probably a coincidence and just an observation from my reading of genesis. I look at it from the same context as the Mayans/Celtics and other civilizations having an uncanny understanding of the motion of stars and galaxies without the benefit of modern technology.
If you look at my previous posts, I have argued against creationism and ID. If I had to classify myself, I'm agnostic border-line atheist, so I definately don't want my post to come across as support of ID/creationism.