Many ass kissers would put their name down so they could have him over for dinner......"Okay now, they can't eat milk products,red meat, white meat, flour, sugar, salt, water...." I always remember the dumb smiles on many Brothers faces as if they were talking to Marlon Brando.....laughing loudly at every lame joke he made. Some would give them gift envelopes with money in them. To Witnesses it's like the Pope has come to visit.
Was the Circuit Oversear treated like "a god" in your Congregation!!!
by Witness 007 41 Replies latest jw experiences
lol yes! i'm sure those ass holes loved it... in what other religon could window cleaners and uneducated morons be worshipped?!
I know of one CO whose wife insisted on standing over the person cooking the meal to make sure that nothing was used that she didn't approve of. She actauly made the sister throw the meal away mid cooking after examing a tin of somthing that had been used and found it contained trace elements of something she didn't approve of!
And no, this wasn't the case of an actual allergic problem, this was a JW allergic problem... you know the type... As has been stated before.. can't eat : wheat, dairy, caffine, sugar, anything dried, tap water, bottled water and anything with the letter "E" in its name!!!
I couldn't have given 2 shits about the CO or DO's. Half the time I didn't even know their names. This was largely due to the fact that my father didn't give a shit, either.
All I remember was them blowing through with the shiney shoes and big cars, and expecting royal treatment and to be taken out to dinner. What I DON'T ever recall is anything really spiritual or upbuilding coming from the blow-hards.
Douchebags of the highest order, yet they are supposed to be "Princes among men", etc, etc. Total bullshit. I'm so glad I don't have to even worry about those OverLords anymore.
- Wing Commander
Yes, they were treated like a god and totally relieved when they left after the week. They could make anyone feel like crap, whether elder, pioneer and others. It was always pushed ones were not doing enough. Some COs could do that and smile all they way through. I often sensed the wives were not happy. Hard life for wives every week in a different home.
007 too funny!!!!! hahahahahahaha......
Sam Whiskey
It always felt as if that "special" circle of people would envelope the CO and his wife when he visited, and if you weren't one of the "special" people, you pretty much got snubbed..... It turns my stomach even now to think of the a$$ kissing that goes on.
My Congo. had a good percentage of rebel types like me who didn't give a flying **** about the bishops or cardinals, CO's and DO's, but we had two or three crawlers out of a body of appointed men some 22 strong.before we split into two Congos.
One Elder said of two of these types " J is so far up the C.O's ass he can see A's feet ! " LOL
We actually had one CO who was so arrogant (wife part of this too) that nobody in the entire circuit liked him. He was famous for high expense numbers at each congregation - so much so that the elders meeting after a circuit assembly went into open complaints about it.
For the most part, all the others were looked up to and put on a pedastle.
Ooooh yeah, and this is all right after the C.O. chastises people for working full-time. They should all be pioneering!
Of course, if everybody pioneers, where would all those contributions and "green handshakes" come from?
at the end of the sunday talks,,,,we had a pot luck lunch at the kingdom hall.....after everyone had eaten,,,the brothers brought in a huge tub and filled it with water....unbelievable mess and amount of work.....and all of this so the C.O. could show us how he walked on water....