I found that some were actually wimpy usually the ones new to the circuit work...finding their way I guess. I did know one that was the closest to a good one, not raised as a jw, came in in his 40's, had suffered tragic death in his own family, and found the uncooperativeness and unchristian acts of some elders and elder bodies a challenge. He finally left the CO work because of it and enjoyed the peace of his retirement back in his home area around his family.
The one last in this area when we still went removed 20 elders in the circuit, 85% of them with 30 or more years as elders, POs, city overseer.
I never kissed CO ass. I have seen some come in that don't want it but the asskissers are the first ones to run up to them to let the CO know how spiritual they are, how they are worthy of recognition (not getting it from the elders), quick to let them know how much money they have, and quick to run a problem by the CO that has already been ruled on by the elders (but not to their liking).
They're all individuals with varied personalities. There is no one CO mold.....I have seen a lot over the last 50 years.