The effect of this religion on my children & the action I had to take - Part II

by jambon1 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ThomasCovenant

    Thank you very much for posting this.

    I would assume that not all children brought up as JW's will feel and think the same way as your daughter did. Thankfully.

    However, considering there are millions of children brought up in the same indoctrination, as you say drip fed, then I tend to believe that, statistically, there must be at least hundreds of thousands of children brought up in this religion who will be affected in a similar manner.

    It stinks.

  • Heaven

    It is so important to give your children a balanced and principled upbringing and I salute you for being a good Dad. Sometimes parents believe that the JWs have this. But they do not. A lot of being a good parent comes with making tough choices and taking difficult action. But in the years to come, when you look back, if you did the tough thing and it was principled, you will have no regrets.

    What these people done to my children is criminal.

    I agree with you. I would love to see legislation come into being that deals with the destructive aspects of cults. This is greatly needed.

  • awildflower

    I love the fact that you are a parent that is saying NO to the jw's and the meetings many times the jw parent "wins" in taking the kids along while the other parent basically has no say. Why? Why do many non jw parents take themselves out but feel powerless to take the kids out? Why does the jw parent always get their way most of the time? I don't get it. The jw parent automatically assumes because they have the "truth" that their "theocratic activity" is going to trump anything else in the families life. It's all a power game, it means nothing! So non jw parents have just as much "power" and say as they do. I just really, really love the fact that you are saving your kids from the cult.

  • peaches

    truly heart is so with you and children......

  • FuzzyPaul

    Dear Jambon1,

    This next site is about the sexual abuse problem of the JWs. It is institutionalized. The court ruling in California not very long ago ripped open the belly of the beast.

    This is NOT a web-site run by the Watchtower. What is so cool about this site is the actual Watchtower can not prevent this law firm from using their name !

  • deep-blue-sea

    So sad Jambon1!!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. My 3 children have been raised as JW, Unfortunately. With my husband we were JW all our life, but happily we found the exit, all of us.

    The Watchtower does exactly what Isaiah condemns saying that:


    They change the good things of the true world and life in a lie......

    Waiting to know the reaction of your wife!!!!!


  • yknot

    .... Memories are flooding back from that time of my life and all those similar fears for my worldy Grandparents .........

    By 8yrs old I had resigned myself to accepting my father's eventual destruction.

    The mental grief was terrible ...... the oddity of praying for all my other wordly relatives (and others I liked) to die before Armageddon.

    No wonder I was such a 'serious' child!.....

    Heck looking back I wasn't a child, I was a JW-- no different in responsibility to spread the troof than an adult.

  • deep-blue-sea

    Isaiah 5: 20

    Woe to those who are saying that good is bad and bad is good, those who areā€¦..

    Sorry this is the verse that I wanted to mention which appplies so well to the Watchtower!!!

    Regards, Claudia

  • Lozhasleft

    Get your kids out!!! I've lost all mine...dont leave it too late like I did...

    When I was first a mother I resolved that noone would separate me from my kids (my childhood traumas were mostly caused by the departing of my mother) and with this stalwart ideal I reared them. I had my first child at 18 and my last at 40 so it was a kind of a whole 30 odd year parenting job if you get me. The majority of my life. The advent of the 'outfit' in our lives changed so much which obviously is only so evident to me now in hindsight. My kids were very gradually guided away from real family life with the celebrations and traditions, and groomed instead to respect elders and COs and Bethelites more than their very inadequate parents in a difficult marriage. There came at time with the 4 older ones...19 -30 range..I had taken a stand about the 2 sons behaviour to me who were still at home..and they were elder they talked to made a plan. He called a meeting between himself another elder and the 4 after a meeting one night at the KH. I went in ..they all sat in a row opposite me and the elder invited them to air all their grievances about me. It was a lynch mob kangaroo court. I cant describe the horror of it all. Even silly little issues from way back which were long resolved were dragged up to me in confrontation. The lies and distortions were in abundance too. I had to walk out in the end because I couldnt take the pain. I remember driving to a friend's home and I was unable to walk after she opened the door..I had to crawl in on hands and knees I was so 'doubled up' in agony. None of us have ever been the same again. It destroyed something between us all that couldnt be repaired. Writing this down is making me shake at the memories.
    I dont profess to have been the best mother in the world...god knows I've got plenty of faults..but you know what, I did my bloody best as far as I could. And even when I failed them it didnt mean I didnt love the bones of them, I did, unconditionally. I only had my own resources to give them, their dad was hopeless as a father, but I gave the best of me for many many years...

    Dont let this or anything like it...happen to you and your wife.

    Loz x

  • BabaYaga

    Heavens, Dear Loz! I am so very sorry for the pain you have endured... I can't even imagine it. Losing your children that way, having them all lined up against you...

    You poor Dear. A lot of healing happens here. Stick around... and read Steven Hassan's books. You might even get your children back some day.

    Love to you,

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