I just bought Potato Salad recently, what should I sprinkle on them?

by asilentone 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • asilentone
  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    (The grammar on this site is appalling.)

    Are you asking what to sprinkle on the top of your potato salad? How about some parsley (too boring?) or bacon bits (hope no one is Jewish) or if you like a bit of spice in your life, how about some Mexican spices?

  • ShirleyW

    Broken Promises

    WORD ! ! ! !

    What you said my dear Bro!! (or Sis. !)

    I was just moved earlier in the day to call out someone on their spelling but refrained. . .

    I SO HEAR YOU ! ! ! ! !

  • asilentone

    I am sorry if my grammar is not that great. I am myself deaf since birth, so forgive me.

  • beksbks

    Asilent, did you taste it first? If it's store bought, it should be palatable as is. If it's too bland, a bit of salt and pepper helps. If you want to dress it up some, how about extra mustard or mayo or cayenne or paprika? Some chopped boiled egg or pickle relish, sweet or dill? Black olives?

  • beksbks

    ((((((Asilentone)))))))) Grammar is highly overrated!

  • ShirleyW


    I definitely understand if you're deaf...

    But some of us who can hear should be "totally ashamed" of their use of the English language and their spelling. . .

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    No worries, Asilentone – now I understand the meaning behind your name.

    And your post makes a nice change from the endless memorial threads we’ve had!

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Wassup, fellow Deafy?

    I eat it right out of the container it comes in. I prefer Reeser's, myself.

  • tec

    You don't owe anyone an apology or even an explanation, Asilentone! I would start by adding paprika or garlic to my potato salad.

    But some of us who can hear should be "totally ashamed" of their use of the English language and their spelling. . . broken promises

    This should be,

    But some of us who can hear should be "totally ashamed" of our use of the English language and our spelling...

    I also think use should be usage... if we're really splitting hairs here.


    Usage is a guide on how to use something properly; use means "one or more instances of using something," or "function." Thus the use of a semicolon is to separate clauses, while its usage is the list of rules on exactly how it has to be used. Someone who knows the use of a word understands how it fits in a sentence; someone who knows the usage has studied the grammatical rules, semantic relations, and appropriate mechanics. Each time you use something, that's one use (the noun), not one usage. Unless you're talking about grammar, you usually mean use rather than usage: don't use the longer word just because it sounds more impressive.


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