Why are so many ex jw's liberals?

by John Doe 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • beksbks

    Seems to me, that of those with political interest, the conservatives outweigh the liberals here. Which makes sense. It's hard to think for oneself when you've been used to letting someone else do it for you.

  • 144001

    To answer the question that is the topic of this thread, many ex-JWs are liberal for the same reason that many are conservatives. It's human nature. I'm not sure that there are any statistics available that would provide a proper basis for a valid conclusion regarding the dominant political viewpoint of ex-JWs. Therefore, assertions that they are either predominantly liberal or conservative are meaningless.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Seems to me, that of those with political interest, the conservatives outweigh the liberals here.

    Hey now--not fair to pick on people's size!

  • SouthCentral

    I am not sure, but I am a Black Ultra-Conservative. I do not say republican because of the association with Palin.

  • mindmelda

    There's actually a huge psychlogical study out there that concluded that basic personality traits that we're largely born with tend to tip us into either liberal or conservative political modes.

    Liberals tend to be more inclined to be feeling rather than than thinking, intuitive rather than practical, and more liberals are perception oriented, seeing both sides of a matter than black and white or concrete thinkers.

    Feeling over thinking doesn't infer that liberals don't "think" and that conservatives don't "feel". They're used in psychology to denote people of different types. Thinkers prefer to make decisions based on logic, and feelers prefer to make decisions based more on immediate reaction to a situation than logical analysis.

    Perception is better at dealing with people and situaitions that demand fast decision making (Like" Am I going to run into that burning building and save them or not?"), judging or concrete thinking is better for analytical decision making or working with things or mathematical concepts.

    All the traits are useful ones, they just vary in how they predominate in people's personalities.

    You could see how a person who is likes concrete solutions, working with things or clearly defined concepts and analysis would be able to take the "bleeding heart" factor out of politics, as they would term it, and focus on the hard facts of debt, legalistic matters, political maneuvering and analyzing political strategies and such.

    An intuitive feeler who sees both sides would have a much harder time extracting the human factors out of political issues. They would be more inclined to see jobless or hungry people as needing financial assistance, wanting older people to have some security in their declining years, wanting kids to have a good education as outweighing concrete, hard core issues like the mathematics of debt and spending and political strategies and mechanics.

  • sooner7nc

    I feel that the teachings and mind control of the Org. were such that they tended to create arrogant pricks out of otherwise normal people. Henceforth, I beleive that when people are free of the shackles of the Org. they tend to "Run home to Momma" and gravitate towards what they know best, being Arrogant Pricks. In other words, they become aggresively liberal or incredibly conservative. Perhaps the sudden lack of constraint keeps them from finding a reasonable center.

  • beksbks

    What we never actually address here, is what is liberal and what is conservative. Also, where? I know darn good and well, that those who call themselves conservatives have no idea what I who consider myself a liberal really believe in.

  • sooner7nc

    You're right Beks. We should have a thread where a person could give a brief overview of their stance on any subject without the bickering that normally accompanies.

  • beksbks

    Gee Sooner! You're quite the dreamer aren't you?

  • gubberningbody

    It isn't that Liberals or Conservatives differ in intelligence, it's that self-identified conservatives are boldly stupid and instinctively evil, whereas self-identified Liberals have an elemental morality and have at least a measure of self-awareness with regard to their limitations.

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