Been wondering if the JW's are still told to not see them. Seems like I haven't seen or heard anything like that in a few years.
Rated R Movies?
by NikL 23 Replies latest jw friends
Rating movies is relative. In many countries there is no such thing as R movies.
In this area of the US, elders and MS were told by the CO in their elder meeting that elders and MS who saw R-rated movies could be removed as elders or MS. I don't think this was in writing. I have yet to hear of an elder being removed for that.
*** w82 7/15 p. 24 par. 13 Benefiting From Your God-given Conscience ***Consider the experience of a couple who were having a Bible study, attending meetings and approaching baptism. An elder in the congregation told the man of his having enjoyed a certain motion picture. The man replied, ‘What! Do you go to see R-rated movies?’ The elder tried to excuse his actions, saying that certain of these films (considered questionable even by the world) have value if the objectionable aspects are ignored. But it appears that the man was affected. After that he progressed more slowly than his wife. Had the elder reflected on texts such as Colossians 3:2-8, Ephesians 5:3-5 and Matthew 7:12, they might have affected his conscience and his conduct.—1 Corinthians 9:22, 25-27.
Blondie is absolutely correct.
I was at the meeting....I even had the chance to serve closely with Guy Pierce, who went after those that watched R rated movies.
If you watch an R Rated movie, you're getting removed.
Meanwhile, in Canada......they use their conscience.
Basically they say any film that has scenes of conduct that would reflect the spirit of the world is inappropriate. Therefore not only R rated but even PG - lets face it Harry Potter was demonised by the society.
yeah, just in going along with what's already been seems that they always emphasize from the platform the "danger" of rated R movies and how one should never go see them....
Although it's quite funny to see the contradiction from one region to another. I live in ohio and went to stay with a family in california. While I was there we rented and watched rated R movies WITH the parents.....the mom was a reg pioneer and the dad was an elder. In ohio that would be some crazy serious problem, but apparently out there it wasn't considered such an issue. *shrug* It's stupid if you ask me.
ana, did all of you see any banging in the movies?
I once overheard an elder say that R rated movies did not effect him, he could "handle it".
The two other elders he was talking to agreed with him.
I decided right then and there that i could "handle" R rated movies too.
So yeah, it's a regional thing.
In Texas, some elders and MS watch R Rated movies, I went to their homes and I looked at their video collection, I was shocked.
We were told by the CO at a pioneer meeting that watching R rated movies would mean immediate removal of privileges. Most folks simply did it in the privacy of their home or drove to a theatre out in the middle of nowhere. There was typically some excuse as to why it was okay to watch certain R rated movies. As far as I know, R rated movies are still a big no-no.
Many R rated movies in the US carry a comparable rating of G in other countries.
I remember while living in another country and seeing a movie that was rated G there but R in the US. When I talked to folks back in the US and said how great the movie was they told me I knew better than to see a R rated movie. When I told them it was G where I was, most informed me that it didn't matter and if its R in the US, thats what mattered. However, others used it as an excuse to go see the movie.
In the U K I have never heard of a ban on films by the censor rating..Over here it goes :
U = unrestricted, then PG = Parental Guidance, then age limits eg, 12,15 or 18 max for the strongest films (there may be in between ratings) .
There are a lot of films for young people that dubs take issue with, eg Harry you cannot use the rating as a yardstick. Why allow the Board of Film Classification to make your decision for you? If you took the WT articles literally then you would see hardly any films except kiddie ones like "Happy Feet" or "Madagascar" maybe. In practice everybody makes their own decision