Is There Anyone You Truly HATE???

by minimus 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • peaches

    no,,,i do not hate exhusband hated me so bad,,,,he wanted me to commit suicide....

  • dandingus

    The fires of my former hatreds have almost all cooled to glowing embers of dislike and mistrust.

    But there are a few witnesses I knew who I detest due to the fact that they have engaged in very personal affronts (even betrayals) and their personalities contained almost no redeeming qualities at all. I will never speak to those individuals again, but then I don't have to do I?

    I suppose that's the closest I get to hate anymore.

  • nugget

    Yes but they deserve it.

  • Twitch

    There was

    But she don't care and the weight was too much to carry,...

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    I don't hate anyone...I dislike a few, but hate can lead to lots of other murder.

  • GLTirebiter
    Terry: "I also firmly believe that once you start "actively" hating you end up becoming something as awful as what you hate."

    How true! Though I'll add that less than "actively" hating can be enough to start down that dark path (I take "actively" to mean "acting out" hatred against another person, whether verbally or physically). If there's one lesson divorce teaches you, it's that you must drop the anger and get on with your life, starting right now (and again tomorrow, then the day after that, until the anger no longer has a hold on you). Giving in to hate accomplishes nothing. After the andrenalin rush passes you'll find it has only made a bad thing worse--never better.

    The parallels to leaving the WT (or being forced out) are quite obvious.

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