For all of those who continue with the "bashing" for my choice to serve...... F**k OFF.....
At 32 years of age, family man and rased in this country for most of my life, I'm well aware of the sacrafice I will have to make when I do sign up, including the deployment over seas.
I can see years of Watchtower indoctrination still haunts some of you with your hasty generalizations and quick to judge attitude.
Yes, I do belive I can contribute more to this coutry serving as a soldier, 1st. And due to mechanical/electrical background, coupled with my test scores and the amount of education I have under my belt, I'll be able to do something I'll enjoy and be challenged at the same time.
UNfortunately, going over my paperwork, I did declare as CO on my initial application and interveiw for citizenship. I belive there is a paper trial despite taking the unmodified oath. The reason being, if I do sign up, it could bite me in the ass when signing up for an MOS with security clearance. And not the mention, that it could be reason for an honorable discharge and can persecuted by law.