2010 Convention Rumor

by Hikaru 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    "Remain In the Secret Place of the Most High"

    That just means you should constantly be stoned. It's nothing to worry about.

  • Kum Vulcan
    Kum Vulcan


    You couldn't be more on point. I've had an elder conducting a study tell me that "When A-oh-A breaks loose, we may get instructions to go to the KH in the middle of the night, as this would probably be the only safe place" and what good are (life saving) instructions if we have doubts and don't obey unquestionably ...

    My rational logical mind (an Engineer by trade) prompted me to ask how are we going to get the instructions? All modern communications will likely be down in the havoc, everyone will be in panic, are we to get a phone call, letter, spoken directly to by Jehovah or Jesus? Seriously! I wanated to know....

    And I got one of those glazed (cognitive dissonant) stares and he told me "we don't know exactly, we just have to be obedient and Jehova will protect us". My thoughts immediatelly thereafter: WTF? WTFFFFFFFF?


  • sweet

    do you think that the people who got destroyed in the flood do you think that they saw the evidence that the flood was coming? no not really...they saw the evidence when it was again a lil bit too late...they wanted to go into the ark...but no matter if noah wanted to keep the door open jehovah closed the door.

    again nothing has to do with our sight. true christians, i dont care if your jw, baptist, catholic, and so forth...people who are honestly living a christian way of life, (sure there are people who are hypocrites...people who are living a double life...no matter what religion you know...as long as each and every one of us are human we will make mistakes..there will be hypocrites in EVERY religion...we will ALL be sinnin everyone who is a christian i dont care what denomination you are but most everyone knows we walk by faith, not by sight. Who's to say Paradise is not something that most people believe it to be? It's going to be earth that Jehovah intended it to be, gardenlike just like Eden. Sure Paradise might be a place for people who do make it there to clean up a bit, but when it's a finished project it could be a beautiful place. I honestly look forward to the resurrections of people...people who we have come to know and love dead....but alive again before our very eyes, not that the resurrections in the bible are not touching now...but to personally experience a resurrection of just at least one loved one would be a miracle in itself...

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Sweet to be honest with you I don't believe the Bible story of Noah and the flood .

    I think it is a mythical story made up because of local catastrophic floods of long ago that happened because of nature, and over the years the story was embellished to what we have today .

  • dgp

    Hikaru, no one is going to die in Armageddon, for the simple reason that there isn't going to be one.

    I don't think I have to tell you that they are playing on your fear of death to make you toe the line.

    As someone else said, live a good life and don't worry about those lies. If you paid attention, you would waste your life doing things only out of fear.

  • dissed

    The Sunday drama looks like a remake of one from the 70's.

    Portrays a family that 'let' their kid follow worldy endeavors and lost him to Jerusalem's destruction. (Moral: Let you kids go to college and they will die a horrible death at Armageddon)

  • sweet

    pretty much goes to the old lie that satan said to eve..."You positively will not die if you eat from the tree that Jehovah told you not to."

  • sweet

    honestly jws are going to college...so i dont think college bound would be the theme to the drama...where do you guys think that jws dont go beyond high school??? i know tons of jws that go to either vo-tech or college...

  • poopsiecakes

    Can I just say how glad I am that I don't buy into any of that crap anymore?

  • dinah

    ----wholeheartedly agrees with Poopsie!

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