I am so sorry for your loss.
My Dad Died Today
by cantleave 77 Replies latest jw friends
My spirit and prayers are with you, my friend.
How awful for you cantleave, I'm so sorry. Love and hugs to you, Nugget and the youngsters for the loss of their grandaddy.
I am sorry for the death of your loved dad. Please, accept my condolence. Be assured we love and care.
Please accept my condolences on the passing of your father.
My deepest condolences for you my friend.
May the lord grant you and your family the strength you need in this time of loss.
Those who we love are never truly far from us or gone, for they will live on in our hearts, in our minds and in our love for them.
Mickey mouse
Sorry to hear that cantleave.
My deepest sympathies.
Thank you all for the kind words I think the news is only just sinking in. Your warm wishes certainly brought the tears back but sometimes it is good to let your emotions out.
The next few days will be emotional for us all but it is good to know there is somewhere to come for comfort.
Thank you again it means a lot.
My thoughts and prayers are with your little family.
((((( Nugget & Cantleave )))))))