My Dad Died Today

by cantleave 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • dissed

    So sorry to hear that........

  • leavingwt

    I'm very sorry to hear this.

  • sweet

    sorry for your loss...i can just imagine what your going through... just recently found out my mom is dying and she got x amount of time to live and i been crying at least once every day

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I'm so sorry to hear that. What a sad time for you. I wish you the best and think about all the good times you had when you reconnected with your dad

  • bluecanary

    My condolences.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Sorry to hear this, cantleave. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • poppers

    I'm so sorry for your loss.

  • cantleave

    Thank you all.

    I was thinking that my dad wasn't there when I left school and college, wasn't involved when I was learning to drive and never went to our wedding.

    But he was there when our kids were born and he helped us when we decorated our house 10 years ago. It was at that time when his health started to deteriorate, I remember being very upset at seeing a once, extremely fit man wheezing whilst sawing through some wood.

    He wasn't perfect, but then who is? I don't know if things would have been any different if my mum hadn't converted, she was always going to be unbalanced and he was always going to be the player about town.

    He was definitely the work hard - play hard type of person, but at least his life was quite interesting.

    On occasion just after I had got back in touch with him, nugget and I took him ten pin bowling, he had just spent the afternoon getting completely pissed whilst having an afternoon sex session one of his neighbours. He was completely wasted but still managed to thrash Nugget and i, getting strikes nearly bowl.


  • Quirky1

    You have my condolences..

  • LittleSister

    Cantleave and Nugget, so sorry for your loss you know Spawn and I are here for you any time.

    Love Little Sis

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