Question regarding Jesus the Judge, Jehovah the judge.. serious replies please

by callitquits76 36 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Chalam

    Cameo , Jesus of Nazareth is the God of the Old Testament.


    Genesis 1:1 (New International Version)

    1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

    John 1:1-3 (New International Version)

    1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning.

    3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.



  • snowbird

    Exodus 3:14 God said to Moses, "I-AM-WHO-I-AM. Tell the People of Israel, 'I-AM sent me to you.'"

    John 8:57 The Jews said, "You're not even fifty years old—and Abraham saw you?"

    58 "Believe me," said Jesus, "I am who I am long before Abraham was anything." MSG

    This sealed the deal for me.


  • yknot

    Serious but off the cuff.....

    Babylon the Great is symbolic..... it is the practices of Babylon that are judged

  • PSacramento

    In Isaiah's prophecy he says.." The will call him Emanuel or "God amongst us"...

    Fact is, for Jesus to fullfill that prophecy he would have to have been called "God amongst us" and that is what happened and that is what he was.

    The personification of God.

    "In him dwelt the fullness of God"..." And though being equal to God, he did not view that equalty as something to hold on to"...

  • possible-san

    Although Jesus is that "I AM" in essence, of course,
    when people say "He is Jehovah/Yahweh", a problem arises.

    Since Yahweh's judgment is cruel.


  • Lozhasleft

    Herein lies the dilemma for me...these opposing arguments!! John 14 v 28 says 'the father is greater than I am' and the Catholic Encyclopaedia admits the trinity idea was only developed in the 4th century...and Jesus was SENT he said so repeatedly.... which by implication confirms a SENDER...he also insisted he was only the SON of god....and he continually urged followers to love and pray to his father who he was returning to so how can he be a trinity????

    I am serious ...please help if you can ...I'd really like to see a reasoned and acceptable argument for the trinity if anyone has one?

    Loz x

  • tec

    Lozhasleft - I have trouble with the trinity as well. I neither deny it nor endorse it. Rather I am still pondering it. I do not think embracing the trinity as it is defined is necessary to finding salvation or to knowing the love of Christ, and I recently read something that helped bring me peace with this.

    That the trinity, itself, is not actually the nature of God, but that it is man's best attempt to define the nature of God... according to what we are able to understand.


  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough
    Herein lies the dilemma for me...these opposing arguments!! John 14 v 28 says 'the father is greater than I am' and the Catholic Encyclopaedia admits the trinity idea was only developed in the 4th century...and Jesus was SENT he said so repeatedly.... which by implication confirms a SENDER...he also insisted he was only the SON of god....and he continually urged followers to love and pray to his father who he was returning to so how can he be a trinity????

    All of your questions are answered here in great detail:

    But if you're looking for short, simple canned answers with little depth, you'll never be satisfied. Your so-called problems were answered quite well many centuries ago. You want the truth you need to put the time in.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Jesus may well be one with The Father but here's a question that has never been satisfactorily answered to me:

    What evidence is there that when Jesus says "my Father" he's referring to the YHWH of the Old Testament?

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    I'm still looking for someone to tell me what the holy spirit's name is.

    You know, in the NAME of the father, the son, and the holy spirit.

    Judge Dread

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