Howdy Path,
Exactly what further benefit is it to these individuals to post their stories here in addition to posting them on your website?Probably none. But it's beneficial to some here - who never venture over there. I don't go to that site often - hurts too much. Just because I'm a victim/survivor, doesn't mean I want to read that anger & pain anymore than the next person.
Should not your website be sufficient, at least until these individuals have worked through their terrible ordeals?No, we need to be reminded that children are continuing to be raped/molested, even as we speak about it politely.
Given the nature of this place, I can't see what therapist would encourage someone to post their story in this environment. Perhaps each survivor should be strongly encouraged to talk with their therapist about before posting?You're assuming that most victims/survivors actually go to a therapist. Since most jw's are low income, or average at best, where do you think they're going to come up with $100 to $150 for 50 minutes twice a week, once a week....for about 2/5 years? I don't know if anyone has actually done the questioning & math, but doubt that only a low percentage of rape/molestation victims have had the benefit of a qualified therapist.
LOL....guess the elders will have to suffice for therapy. "Pouring oil" on the head of the suffering person. Btw, if the therapist isn't familiar with jw's or that style religion, chances are, they won't discourage the victim/survivor from seeking counsel there anyway. After all, many other church priests are actually qualified as counselors.
None of my therapists/psychologists had much to say negatively about the jw's - they didn't know much about them.
In the WTBTS, victims/survivors, and their parents, are for the most part left alone with their private agony. Keep it in the family for "the good of the congregation." Don't want worldly people to get the wrong impression of Jehovah's people. Of course, there are exceptions, I just don't know of any.
When I went to the elders for counsel, they told me they (all 8 of them) had no knowledge of how to handle a molestation situation. So, therefore, they told me that all they could do was share some scriptures with me.....and that was all they actually did.