Geez Larc,
Is this a never ending thread or not. (my first reaction is .. sheesh, who gives a **** about my opinion anyway? i was just stating my view .. does it need going over with a fine toothed comb?)
I did not understand your last sentence. You said that "It offends me that sometimes I believe that it is done unnecessarily and other times because of the fact that it is necessary." Are you saying that you are offended both because it is necessary and also because it it unnecessary? Why are you offended because "sometimes" you may feel it is unnecessary. How can you judge that, and what difference does it make to the narrative? Anyone can lie, with our without names and no one else would be the wiser, now would they?Yeah, this particular little point is less than a storm in a tea cup. It's just my personal beef when i see people posting a story without including the real names of the characters involved.I could make up a story about Gilbert Gnarley, Earl Pitts, Gary Burbank, and Mr. Dirk. No one on this board, except for JAVA would know who these people are. Are they real or fictional, and how would you ever find out? I think your whole deal is a tempest in a teapot.
Even when i was an active JW I named names and rarely held back the truth if i saw an Elder involved in wrongdoing. What'd be the point in that, apart from butt crawling your way to Eldership? My thing is that if you're right and tell the truth you have nothing to fear from anybody (I don't deny the inherant neivety in that nor am i imposing it on anyone else .. it's just my personal attitude. When I read a story with fictional names my interest wains by 50% or more. I've never been one for fiction except at the movies or theatre)
When you say: "I think your whole deal is a storm in a tea cup, are you talking about this point Prisca has chosen to highlight or my advice to Silentlambs? If you are calling my whole 'deal' in this thread aof little consequence you haven't been awake the last couple of days or I take it you have some better formula for helping prevent the episode we've just witnesses between silentlambs, his 'victim' and MA?
PS: This thread has become boring as rats piss, you'll get no argument from me on that. (and i have a truck to catch thank god :)