If reading the Bible as a JW, why bother meditating?

by Crisis of Conscience 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Crisis of Conscience
  • sir82

    For the WTS, "meditation" = "think about what the WT had to say about that verse".

  • 5thGeneration

    I was going to say the same thing sir82 and Baba and others.

    The Society had a very unique view of the term and it always bothered me.

    Meditation to them is studying "deep" spiritual material... From the Society!


  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    This coincides with 5thGeneration's comment.

    A fellow JW I was recently talking with said she was asked by someone how she knew that the things in the Bible are real.

    She responded by saying because she's "done the research" by means of the Society's publications, namely The Bible - God's Word or Man's? She said plenty of evidence was provided.

    Interesting, but the "research" was not done by her. She is taking what she read and running with it as if it is absolutely true, without a doubt or mistake.

    Meditating on "research", that the GB has already done for her, has strengthened her faith in the Bible, she admitted.

    Again I ask, why meditate? UN-BE-LIE-VABLE!!


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