What are some of the funniest things you've seen during a prayer, and you could'nt laugh out loud?

by african GB Member 28 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    This was at my sister’s house, she was giving the prayer for her, me, and her 4 yr old daughter.

    My sister asked that Jah looked after a couple of family members (who were in advanced age) at which point my niece piped up, “and Josie??” – Josie was one of her dolls.

    My sister stifled a laugh and added to the prayer, “and Josie”.

    It was a sweet moment, as well as funny.

  • 70-Years-Of-Servatude

    In the summer months the brothers would leave the windows open and run fans at the theo. sch./sev. mtg. to save money. They had a huge fan at the side of the stage to keep the speakers comfortable. One night during the prayer I looked up to see the brothers comb over flapped over to the wrong side and waving horizontal in the air like it was suspended from the ceiling. I nudged a friend of mine and nodded at the stage. We both lost it 6 rows from the stage and didn't bother running to the back. When the prayer was over and the brother walked off stage the comb over fell flat against the side of his head which reignighted the laughter.

  • crazy2try

    My Daughter also farted. But she also said out loud when she was about 3, "I stepped in sheep shit." LOL.....I was able to blame my JW father in law. He had said that once when she was with him. I started to laugh and so did several people around me.

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    It wasn't a prayer, but an experience at Pioneer school. This young dork went on and on about how this DO saved his life from video games.. (this was the Atari era), He started yelling "I'm A BUG A BUG" He was crying with tears. I looked over at my buddy who went to my Hall. He was looking at the floor and saw me look over to him. He shook his head in a gesture for me to stop looking at him as he was trying not to burst out laughing also. This guy went on for 10-15 mins. By the time he was done both my Friend and me had tears rolling down our cheeks not from sympathy, but holding in the laughter. I swear that even the DO was embarrassed cause all he said after Brother Dork was done was "Well, what can I say" At that time of my life I was trying to be the best servant and brother I could be. I actually felt guilty for making light of his experience. But then again I mean please.........

  • razkat

    when my nephew let a big loud fart right in the middle of the prayer.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Sadly, most of mine also involve farts.

    Anotherr time, there was a new study that attending all the meetings. She was a single mom and had a young boy about 2 or 3 years old. he was a cute kid, albeit a little hyper and obnoxious. Anyway, right in the middle of a closing Sunday prayer, this kid starts YELLING "Mom! I pooped my pants!" getting no response, he stepped it up a bit. "MOOOOM! I POOOPED MY PAAANTS!"

    Good stuff.

  • exwhyzee

    It was pretty common that the feeblest excuse for a joke, would send a whole row of Witnesses into a fit of the giggles during a prayer.(or any other time really) But the oddest prayer experience I remember was at the conclusion of one of the last memorials I attended. The old brother that usually delivers the memorial talk, was cheezed off because some young visiting speaker got invited to do it instead. Our Hall was being rebuilt and because we couldn't meet there, several local Congregations rented out the banquet rooms at a nice Hotel and we had the Memorial all together as one huge crowd which made it even more of a special occasion than normal. Not to be forgotten, this old brother was invited to give the closing prayer. It was his moment to shine at last. He started out the prayer normally..."Jehovah we know that you want us to blah blah blah... and of course Jehovah we would never want to ...blah blah blah" etc. Not to be forgotten, he somehow managed to segue from giving a prayer into doing a full on talk and eventually started recapping the whole memorial point by point. After awhile everyone was peeking at eachother from out of the corners of their eyes because he had even started quoting scriptures. You could hear the rustling of pages as people who had forgoten he was just praying, began looking them up in their Bibles out of habbit. I was half expecting him to start passing the wine around again.

  • designs

    During the closing prayer at a Circuit Assembly my buddy and I were behind and old couple who were recording the session and the tape recorder began spitting all of the tape back out on the floor. We began snickering and snorting trying to hold our laughs in, at the end of the prayer we turned around and there was the DO right behind us glaring for all he was worth....yikes!

  • Quentin

    We had a deaf couple who attened the kh from time to time. The brother was a notorious farter, anytime, any place, I mean the kind that peeled paint from the wall, don't remeber their names, Terry might. Anyway when he let one go you would get trampled in the stamped to get away. One night at the end of the service meeting prayer he blasted a long honking one. No joke, there were more than one Oh my God's while at least 60 people stepped all over one another to shift to the other side of the hall.

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