Most-Ignored Scriptures by JWs

by Mad Sweeney 508 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • designs


    Happy with my new life, happy with my little grandson, happy with college, happy with the career, happy with the environmental causes and food banks I'm involved with, happy to be an xjw, happy I went to many of your Evangelical churches during the past 10 years and saw first hand what a collossal Cult mindset and trap they are....first hand experience.

    Nothing like it.

    Happy me

  • theMadJW

    Still waiting on some scriptures you think we "ignore'....HEH

  • Mad Dawg
    Mad Dawg

    Hey designs, atheism killed 100 million in the 20th century alone. And just because calvinists killed someone, doesn't mean that Calvin killed them.

  • designs

    'Someone'....just one, now go read some good History books of the 2nd century through the 20th century on Christian wars and violence and genocide against the human race.............

    Come back when you've left the Library....................

    O da mindset is just like the mindset we once had, hands over the ears and the mind closed to Historical facts, don't worry you'll get there

    I have great hope in you.

  • designs


    I'll help with your Library shopping list, for starters-

    Thirty Years War

    Luther's army against the Catholic army

    Bohemian Wars

    Catholic League


    Henry VIII

    John Huss's army against the Catholic army

    Charles V


    Zwingli's army against the Catholic army

    Calvin's enclave in Geneva and the wars against well anybody who disagreed with the nutcase.

    Edict of Nantes broken followed by war

    Knox's army

    Mary Queen of Scots's

    Bavarian Wars



    Swedes army against Catholic army


    Happy History hunting............there's More, lots more!

  • designs

    Ok Church kids how did we do on the list above. Did you find the common links with the Leaders. Did you guess-

    They were all members of the Cult of the Trinity.

    They all believed in a masochistic sadistic God and a literal Hell Fire.

    and.....drum roll ..... brbrbrbrbr they were all Murderers. Yea!

    How did you do, did you guess all three, you could well be on your way out of the Cults

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Happy History hunting............there's More, lots more!

    That's right there is a whole lot more, most of which have nothing to do with the trinity or belief in hell.

    Any blood on your hands?

    How do you feel about the two million South Vietnamese who were killed, by Pole Pot, when the US left.

  • designs

    Go kill em Killer, its what your Cult has done for centuries. Hard to phathom but hey that's how Cults work, particularly yours.

    ...........I went to prison as a dutiful Conscientious Objector during the Vietnam War. Pol Pot was Cambodian, remember The Killing Fields, it was the North Viet Cong under Ho Chi Minh that massacred their own southern neighbors.

    You have time to study History in prison

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    ...........I went to prison as a dutiful Conscientious Objector during the Vietnam War. Pol Pot was Cambodian, remember The Killing Fields, it was the North Viet Cong under Ho Chi Minh that massacred their own southern neighbors.

    Just think how much of their blood is on your hands for refusing to help protect them. Your cult isn't bloodless.

    P.S. Enjoy your Memorial Day Tomorrow

  • designs

    Some day read American Col. John Paul Vann's 'A Bright Shining Lie'.

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