Thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses, and the number could be as high as 100,000, are being disfellowshipped each year in the Watchtower Org. Their religious policy on disfellowshipping is not Biblical, and the punishment is cruel and inhumane. The punishment of being shunned has many consequences. This harsh doctrinal policy is extreme. It shatters families, relationships, and leaves the victims emotionally and in many cases spiritually devastated. Suicides and attempted suicides are not uncommon. The very mechanism of this cruel, unrelentingly severe policy accomplishes something for the Organization. By evil, deliberate design, shunning creates fear. The J.W.s emotions are aroused. They feel uneasy, terror, fright, panic, and trepidation. The thought of shunning and the actual punishment itself is a painfully, emotional experience. No person feels comfortable when confronted by threatening danger or evil. Our guest on the Six Screens of the Watchtower conference call is former Jehovah's Witness pioneer Daniel Duron. His whole family has been hurt and seperated by the shameful policy of shunning. He is now going public in hoping to expose the WAtchtower org. and bring light to this cruel practice of shunning. Our program will be on Saturday April 10,2010 at 7p.m.EST. It's easy to get on the call, no computer is necessary, just dial (712)432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925. Our phone lines open at 6:30p.m.EST, so come in early and talk with all of those who have been Touched by The Tentacles of the Watchtower.
Shunned to death!
by koolaid-man 23 Replies latest jw friends
To listen to past recored calls
Broken Promises
That’s got to be the creepiest exJW site I’ve ever seen – I have no doubt it would scare many JWs away from looking at the site.
Hello Broken Promises. The Six Screens website was deliberately made creepy by design. The graphic presentations, as well as the sound enhancements, on the site creates intrigue. The Jehovah's Witnesses visiting the site are already aware of the sinister and evil tricks that the Watchtower Society is hiding behind. They are having doubts about "God's only channel on earth". The Six Screens of the Watchtower website was purposely developed to be dark, disturbing, eerie, no fluff, just shock! The reason this site was developed was to attract Jehovah's Witnesses and help them to see what the Watchtower org. is hiding behind. Amazingly this format is working. Broken Promises private mail me and I will be glad to send you data, statistics, and the Google analytics report on the volume of traffic and the hits this website is getting.
Broken Promises
Why can't you post them here?
It would be in poor judgement to post statistical information about the Six Screens of The Watchtower on this board for everyone to read. Giving this info. out would be a betting and aiding the Watchtower Org. The data and intelligence collected by the Org. from our statistical reports could help them to skillfully use this information and form a strategy to destroy , nullify and neutralize critical sites of the Watchtower Org.
Broken Promises
The sad thing is, you’re deadly serious.
When many people say that the "creepiness" is disturbing, maybe it would be something to consider.....I think there's more critical comments than not regarding the scariness of the site. Most normal people aren't drawn to creepy scary things.
It's like advertising something that people run away from----like the Burger King king. He's creepy and scary too.
Broken Promises
Minimus, I suggested the same thing to “Kool-aid man” on another board and he got all paranoid, accusing me of being a WT mole etc etc.