Maybe HE IS the Burger King king.
Shunned to death!
by koolaid-man 23 Replies latest jw friends
Broken Promises
It's like advertising something that people run away from----like the Burger King king. He's creepy and scary too.
I find him rather funny myself.
Koolaid Man, change your avatar.
Mad Sweeney
I hope he's aware that ANYBODY can get site statistics about his site. It's publicly available info and if the borg cares they already have it.
I have an avatar but have not been able to put it up . Please give instructions.
KoolAid Man, I admire anyone who speaks out against the Jehovah's Witnesses. I don't mean the people, but the leadership, the Governing Body. It has always been clear to me that your aim is to expose the leadership and all it's cruel doctrine.
As someone who wishes that they would somehow go away, I am wondering why you think more exposure of Jehovah's Witnesses is the key.
To wit, most people are aware that JW's shun. Also, JW's are not the only religion that shuns, and truthfully, in the bible belt South, JW's are admired in many parts for their disfellowshipping policy. So fundamentalist Christians, while hating that JW are monotheistic instead of trinitarian, will never care about practicing cruel religious dogma. They often do anyway.
Most people are aware that JW's do not take blood medicine. Even if "we" former JW's point out the weird shift on being allowed to take blood fractions, it isn't enough to force a nationwide ban on JW's.
JW's aren't the only religion by a long shot that could be blamed for mental illness, depression, and suicide.
Are you aware KoolAid man that your approach is something that I, and it appears others, take exception to at times? It's not your desire to expose JW's, its the idea that your "sensationalized" approach to get attention is what gets me.
You have had call ins that I have enjoyed. Others, such as those that suggest there is Satanic worship going on at Bethel (please) actually offends me, and many others who have spent any amount of time in the inner circle of JW's.
Again, I think with the negative publicity of Scientology, a religion that acts in some ways like JW's do, it is reasonable to expect that the internet, and former members who speak out, will continue to have an effect.
However, most people are affected by reasonableness. When I go to your website, I can never tell if I am going to get solid information, or some item I might read about in the National Enquirer.
This isn't an attack on your motive, but a serious critique of your approach. I know it is impossible for everyone to like you, so I am not expecting you to be affected by one persons opinion, but I really hope you will give some thought to being more reasonable in what you say about JW's, because I really believe it backfires on your stated motive to expose JW's.
In short, no one goes to your website for real information. There isn't anything there but information charecterized by your own strong views of JW's. You don't allow anyone to come to their own conclusions, as you are hellbent on selling your own. That is probably, imo, the biggest weakness of the information on the website.
Oh my... if you go on the website:
1) Ensure your speakers are turned WAAAAY DOWN! Oh my goodness, that music is just, well, um, yeah.
2) Ensure your pop-up blocker is enabled. My computer was going bonkers...
3) Have a beer and an emergency shot handy.
Buddy, your site needs a complete re-do.
Buddy, your site needs a complete re-do.
Someone mentioned the creepiness of the BK King, so I had to post it.
- Lime
Glad we got you talking! The site loves the publicity. The extensive mentioning off how bad it is,is bringing more people in!