…some background information posters might want to consider. Western nations helped to destroy the Middle East’s educational system. When Britain controlled Egypt, Lord Cromer drastically cut the educational budget, because he believed that education would “create a group of intellectuals imbued with nationalist ideals and a sense of frustration over their inferior status.” In other words, he wanted to keep them stupid so they wouldn’t revolt. In addition, before the British occupation in 1882, Egypt and Tunisia in particular had taken great steps towards constitutional rule…until Britain used force to stifle democracy.
From 1922 to the military revolution in 1952, Britain forcefully kept out of power the overwhelmingly popular Wafd Party that was dedicated to establishing a Western parliamentary government. French, Dutch, and Britain openly fomented hatred between ethnic groups in a short-sighted “divide and conquer” scheme. Small little Lebanon was divided into twelve distinct “ethnic” areas that never before existed. Libya had a vibrant educational system, but by 1945, they had only a handful of citizens with a modern education, because Italy destroyed the school system. That certainly worked out nicely now didn’t it? Despite that, in the inter-war period, the ME loved the US and its ideals. It naively thought that Wilson’s 14 points and talk of “self-determination” applied to them. They openly allowed US missionaries to work. A by-product of that is some of the remaining premier missionary-established schools in the area: the American University of Beirut, the American University of Cairo, and Bogazici University in Istanbul.
So a fair amount of the difficulties experienced in the Middle East is the unintended by-product of Western foreign policy. While the US has a short memory (a nice euphemism for saying we are pretty ignorant of history), a 50 year old in the M.E. has direct memories of life under imperialistic rule.
In 1917, Palestine was 90 percent Arab, and Jews and Arabs in the region had lived in peace for decades. What angered the Palestinians was the shipping in of thousands of Jews from Europe. However, regardless of how it happened, Israel is not going anywhere, and Palestinians must deal with this reality. Additionally, Palestinians too are not going anywhere, and Israel must deal with this reality. The UN needs to take a stronger role, establish an oversight committee, and must force Israel to pay the Palestinians for their land. Western countries should be forced to accept Palestinian families who choose to take their money and leave. Israel needs to respect the already established boundaries, tear down their illegal settlements (or give them to the Palestinians) and quit attempting land grabs. This is the behavior that Obama is saying is unacceptable.
The US gives a ridiculous amount of money each year to Israel for everything from weapons to donations to UN services to buy “gets” for Israeli women whose ex-husbands are jerking them around in divorce court.