question about judicial committee meetings

by peaches 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • peaches

    a couple of young people about 20years old,,,,were involved with each....they went too far with the being alone situation....not sure if they reported themselves or some one else did...reguardless.....i guess the elders asked both of them EXTREMELY embarrassing questions and very very personal what kind of underwear she wore,,,,,did she have an orgasm.....etc etc....

    i do not understand why this is done????? they went too far,,,acknowledged it,,,,met with the elders...WHY THE DEEP PERSONAL QUESTIONS?? they already had all the information they needed.....

    i should know these things,,,being in the borg for 30 years...but i don't,,,i really do not understand why???? thanks for your input...

  • A.Fenderson

    The elders get excited hearing the details, likely because their own sex lives are nonexistent or extremely boring.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Probably like phone sex - but without the bill at the end of the month!


  • AudeSapere

    As with most things in the org, there is the 'official' reason and then there is the 'reason behind the reason'.

    Most JC's about sex are just plain creepy, salacious, cruel and predatory.


  • mindmelda

    My dad was an elder who stepped down at one point but the bottom line is this is how elders are taught in elder school to handle these sorts of matters.

    It's rather like a legalistic cross examination, isn' t it, where a prosecuting attorney is trying to ascertain every motivation or thought in a person's head when they are accused of a crime.

    NO matter how in depth they question someone and ferret out every intimate detail, they still will never be qualified to judge or able to read people's minds or emotions.

    So, all I can figure is this is some lame attempt to do something that even the Bible says only God or Christ can people's motives!

    Also, there's some bullshit WTS definitions of "fornication" involved in all this...if you have an orgasm, you're having sex, therefore, pornea.

    I guess if your boyfriend is a lousy lover and never gets you off, then you're a bit more chaste than some slut who might actually enjoy being fondled or masturbated.

    Talk about your gulping down of camels and straining out of gnats!

  • poopsiecakes

    They say that it's because they need to know the person's heart condition and asking probing (pardon the pun) questions help with determining that. The fact that there's no biblical basis for this mental rape is beside the point...

  • peaches

    thank is appreciated...

  • daringhart13


    I shut down fellow elders that pulled this stuff. Some of these guys have problems with porn as well....... then they get into this type of questioning.

    Its insane.....

    I would tell anyone thinking about enduring a judicial committee to RUN.... don't even think about it.

  • yknot


    Maybe you would be willing to pass on this publication to the couple.....

  • OnTheWayOut

    They say that it's because they need to know the person's heart condition and asking probing (pardon the pun) questions help with determining that.

    That's the reason. Their training tells them they can probe into whether they enjoyed it, did more than a simple act of enjoyment or did one thing then another. All that supposedly tells them whether the person is wicked or just weak, gave in to momentary sin or led a course of planned sin. It is so silly. Not that I put any faith in their definition of sin anymore, but even if I did, a guy and a girl had sex (or foreplay) should be enough for the elders. How many times, how much time passed between? That's about all they really need to know.

    Their reasons lead them to think they need to know every last thing about the acts such as you said they asked in this case. It's kind of bizarre. Isn't it?

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