Should true knowledge, potentially dangerous, be released?

by EndofMysteries 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • EndofMysteries

    This is so hard, overbearing, just have to vent. The bible contains a lot of 'hidden manna', and treasure, it's quite literally correct when it says to seek those things out. I know I need to be patient and our heavenly father will guide me.

    Want to share some things, and find others who would also work in getting this all figured out. Least some mysteries which everyone combined and working on would quickly get sorted out. My worry is that,

    A. knowledge is power and some into the wrong hands may twist or use it for bad.

    B. without me going about it alone, or until some questions it raises have found the true answer, parts will be understood incorrectly and may be detrimental to ones position with God. In which case, if I spoke too soon, me being bloodguilty for all the consequences.

    We know that in Revelation, it speaks of the 'false prophet', with the wild beast. The mark of the wild beast, etc. Also know of the inspired demonic utterances which go forth like frogs all over the world. Other fear is that part of this could be turned into that, and spread so quickly.

    If you had some amazing revelations about the bible, about certain parts of it, and about things not yet discovered or if they have been, just made public, but they could be dangerous on how initially spread and especially with the limited answers they would raise, what would you do?

  • Snotrag

    Question 1- Are these revelations divine?

    Question 2- How do you know?

    Question 3- Are you under the influence of mind altering substances?

    I need this information to answer your question.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    If you had some amazing revelations about the bible, about certain parts of it, and about things not yet discovered or if they have been, just made public, but they could be dangerous on how initially spread and especially with the limited answers they would raise, what would you do?

    Have you considered the possibility that........C.T.Russell may have started out thinking like that?

    Think About It

  • OnTheWayOut

    Everyone deserves to know the truth. But the Bible is such a controversial subject. I will give you truths about the Bible and you will disagree and see what I mean. These are absolutely true:

    The Jews never lived under the Mosaic Law, ever.
    There was no exodus from Egypt.

    I am sure your true knowledge is something I or others won't believe either. The Bible is a dangerous book. People have died for and against that book.

  • EndofMysteries

    Snotag your questions.

    1. - it's almost a dangerous question itself, A. Saying yes, if 'could' be incorrect and your in deep or taken as other bad way B. Saying no, is taking credit for what was given. I will answer that question this way...... I believe it is, as for the message though and what I'm getting, (the understanding from the bible, not random things), I am seeing on the outside dangerous contradictions which could level/destroy ones faith. That's one of my fears, one of them being correct, but the limited information stumbling those who are on the right path.

    2. - The way I know....... it's undisputable. Yet I don't have the whole thing yet. It's something everyone could see and get atleast partially the same conclusion after being shown. It also makes you wonder how it has not been yet known or talked about much. As if it should have been obvious all along.

    3. - mind altering substances - it's scary, but almost everyone whether they know it or not ARE. Not even the substances themselves, but chemical imbalances of brain, diets, the chemicals in food and water, all those things have a profound effect on your feelings. I pray that those who's actions are greatly effected by those things, God takes into consideration. But no matter how you feel, 1+1 still equals 2.

    Onthewayout - if that is true, (not saying yes or no), but 'if', then what does it mean? Was it all a fake or is there something else there?

  • Snotrag

    Then the only test is to plainly say what you you know, without ruse, without obfuscation, clearly stating your revelation because it is known that the bible is not the word of god and therefore a divine revelation would have the ring of truth.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    The truth that can be spoken is not the real truth

    The worship that can be organized is not the true worship

  • flipper

    ENDOFMYSTERIES- First of all " Knowledge is power ". You are right. Extricate yourself from religious influence and stop beating yourself up and feeling guilty if you give incorrect information out. The world won't stop revolving because of it. If you were involved with the Jehovah's Witness cult- you are feeling guilt due to cult mind control influence by the WT society. That will do you no good. True knowledge should be released- only if it's based on scientific fact. Chew on that for awhile. Good luck

  • not a captive
    not a captive

    Mad sweeney, I believe that Jesus was called the Logos because there was no way to write the truth, it could only be caught and lived. He showed us how.

    And organized religion is not living by faith but by rules.

    EndofMysteries, The FDS misunderstands what the Slave was to do. All any slave can do is to help share food out so that other may do with it as they please. The blood is on ourselves if we abuse it or ignore it. Their crime was in self assuming a role that Jesus did not grant them: they morphed into the TRUE RELIGION. Big change from the 20's when the they said "Religion is a Racket and a Snare". That was the only teaching I know they got right!

    Where the carcass is , there the vultures will be gathered. Religion is a dead body.

    Here is something that got me in trouble, EndofMysyeries. The Branch busted my chops on this one: Genesis 22

    Check this out, I did. Genesis 22 has Jehovah test Abraham by:

    A. Telling him to sacrifice and burn Isaac.

    B. Telling him offer Isaac as a burnt offering.

    Bonus question: Is there a difference and if so why does it matter.

    I can tell you, it landed me in a place I never thought I would find myself.

  • not a captive
    not a captive

    P.S. On the matter of mind altering substances, some one once told me: Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you.

    Ahhhhhahaha ...................................... ooopps! ----------- is that true?

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