I'M getting coffee at the 7-11 about 8:30 this morning , in the parking lot I see this guy I know and his wife talking to some jw's in the parking lot. I go over and say hi Joe and wife, i PLAY STUPID and ask do you go to church with these people. they say no they are preaching jesus to us. I just bursted out laughing and told my friend Joe they reject JESUS at the last supper and worship a mag publishing co. in brooklyn... Well the jw's got all pissed off and said we are not talking to you, and asked me to leave. I told them to I'm not going no where Joe is my friend, and if you think your such a bible scholar get out your bible and show us where it says satan was cast out of heaven in 1914 and jesus choose your wts as the true religion in 1914? well they said again we are not talk to you. But my friend Joe asked the jw's to show it to him bible. they told Joe he needed a bible study, I interrupted and said , if it's in the bible about 1914 just get it out and let us all read it. again the jw's said we are not talking to you. I saID bull don't tell my friend and his wife LIES, GET OUT YOUR BIBLE AND BACK IT UP... WELL THEY NEED A STUDY. and I ask of what WTS BOOKS. IF IT;S IN THE BIBLE SHOW US NOW. no one want to have a btrainwashing sessions till you get to 1914 My friend is happily married with kids and I don't think they want to join a cult and peddle magizines on thier day off. well the jw's left calling me an APOSTATE. but i stayed talking to my friends for a while and told them a little about the wt . keep in mind we are only 4 streets from the kingdum hall . as wave after wave of jw's passed for field service . I stopped every jw coming down the avenue and asked about 1914 etc. none of them had any answers and many of them knew me and ran across the avenue. so my friend Joe and his wife saw what jw's are about in less than a half hour. Joe is not a big friend of mine but I know him for years, the good part is I got invited over to his daughters birthday party in a few weeks and I'm sure his wife will never talk to jw's again.
by judge rutherFRAUD 28 Replies latest jw friends
well the jw's left calling me an APOSTATE.
Did you yell "Goddamn right!"....or just smile?
Mad Sweeney
Awesome! I still lack the guts to reverse-witness (or whatever the proper lingo is) but my wife just went off on the Dubs with an acquaintance of ours who recently asked us if we go to a church. She used the C-word and everything! I am so proud of her.
Kum Vulcan
..."you need a bible study"....AAAIT, Pull out the bible then.
Good for you!!!
John, I know just how that feels and the JW's hate being made a fool of. You would think at some point that 1914 WT B-S would cause a sane JW to get up and leave the KH. Shoot, the JW's get all blubbery when you ask them to explain the good news of the kingdom- and then when they are done, you ask them to show you where Jesus said that stuff. They can't do it- sometimes I have JW's just go blank when I ask them to explain what the good news is that Jesus told us. I stayed home all day today, expected that maybe the JW's would come back to my block and come to my house. I guess they still remember the can of whoop ass I opened up on them on Wednesday. I imagine they needed some extra Rolaids after you thrashed them - great job, as usual !!! Judge-RF- maybe next time, the JWs will learn some manners and stop interrupting you.
John- you have a private mail message
Well done Judge !
It is something for all of us to remember on here, cut to the chase and expose their weak underbelly straight away, they cannot prove 1914/1919 from scripture, and yet that is the basis of the religions existence and its power structure.
All they can do is scuttle off, tail between their legs like cowardly dogs, and throw back what they consider will be insulting , or rather damning enough to people like Jo and his wife, the label Apostate, so that maybe Jo would not talk more with you.
The funny thing is that JW's do not realise that most people would have to struggle to define the word, and of course it is born with pride by figures in the past like Martin Luther, people today who have left radical Islam, and people like me who have left the looney JW /WT business organization..
Very well done again,
I await my first opportunity to do a similar thing.
They don't give you a "Bible" study and I make sure everyone I get a chance to talk to about it knows that.
I should know, one of the last interactions I had with Witnesses was to ask for a Bible study...I wanted to give them one last chance. I was told by the elder's wife who came to talk to me about it was that we had to use WTS publications or she couldn't study with me.
I told her I don't mind if you use them for reference, but I know the basic Witness teachings...I've heard them for 36 years, in all their revised and various forms.
I said, fine, just to be fair, as I said, and she kept bringing articles to study that were about respecting the org and the WTS and the FDS and the GB and all the wonderful spiritual food and about regular meeting attendance and field service..yadda yadda yadda.
I would answer in my own words, often things not in the paragraphs, and I got scolded for "not sticking to the material". I'd get my bible out and read scriptures not in the paragraphs and ask questions about them that apparently pissed off the elderette. She'd get exasperated with me for that.
Finally, she told me it was a waste of time studying "the bible" with me because I wouldn't get with the program.
Basically, I resisted their brainwashing techniques, what they call "bible study" and boy, they don't like it one bit.
But, yeah, there's next to no bible in their bible study. I think one thing that really opened my eyes about that is that I actually started listening to people I'd talk to, not in FS because I didn't do that much, but just people in general and found out that some of them knew the Bible at least as well as JWs, if not better, and didn't share JW beliefs.
I started realizing...what they teach isn't in there, not most of it, anyway.
I think it's terribly sad...these people who think they've finally found "The truth" and that they're busting their ass to do this hard to do stuff that they think will get them God's favor and a paradise and its all just total and utter BULLSHIT.
So, I'm usually not too mean with JWs unless they start it. But, if I saw them trying to convert someone, I'd definitely butt in and ask them, as you did, to prove what they teach directly from the Bible, since that is their own claim. They really cannot do it. That still kind of amazes me when I think that for years I believed that they could!
Brainwashing...they're doing it right. :(
They need a Bible study. OK, so start studying. There is a catch: They are only to use the Bible, and just the Bible. There is no way they can calculate 1914 from just the Bible, because they are using the wrong starting date (it is 587 BC, not 607). Also, how can "a time and times and half a time" always refer to 3 1/2 times? Where in the Bible does it say "times" refers to two times here? How do they know it isn't more than 2 times? It does have to be at least 2, but infinity is the upper boundary.
Also, they use 360 days for a year. Any dingbat these days knows that a year has 365 days, not 360. Definitely, the witlesses are the ones that need a Bible study (using just the Bible), along with a lesson in basic arithmetic.