by judge rutherFRAUD 28 Replies latest jw friends



    I think you and Moshe consistantly have the best Dub storys here..

    You 2 guys are a laugh..

    JW`s are no match for you..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • AllTimeJeff

    Hey judge, I disagreed with an earlier post of yours, but this was pretty good! Thats the kind of thing that needs to happen, one JW at a time. Who knows, maybe those JW's will "think" too. It hurts when the gears are forcibly moved.

  • Mall Cop
    Mall Cop

    Judge, Another way, less adverserial, is to ask them: What is the most important scripture in Watchtower Theology?

    Ans. Matthew 24: 45 --47.

    Next: What is the most important event in Watchtower History?

    Ans. Jesus' decision in 1919.

    They will not be able to answer these two question, because if they do they will be shown how history proves that the application of those two questions do not apply to them.




    If I remember correctly Rutherfraud is the notorious Johnny Cip..


    His posts will entertain you..

    Both Cip and Moshe are hillarious when it comes to JW encounters of the 3rd kind..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • mrsjones5

    Johnny is Johnny. He's just as high energy in person as he is in his posts. He has such an explosive personality that I don't think he could keep quiet about the jws/bOrg even if he tried. Yeah his methods at times may be caustic but he's that dedicated to exposing the bullcrap of the wt.

    Keep on fighting the good fight Johnny.

  • judge rutherFRAUD
    judge rutherFRAUD

    mrs. jones thank you and I have not changed and I miss your voice and style, your a stand up woman. what ever happened to SF? I miss her so hope she is well. yes MINDMELDA you see right through the wt system . I'm glad you understand what i was posting. WOBBLE just remember some of those old wt books your looking for at very cheap on LULU.COM just having 1 $10 book like "the way to paradise" and opening it infront of any jw can turn their world upside down.

  • tresdecu

    good job Judge, I like the way you handeled that! lol. When I was a good JW-MS I never bought into 1914, always thought it was a little weird and manufactured by men. It didn't make sense that god would hide some crazy math problem in the book of daniel to lead to 1914. of course I kept my opinion to myself. I remember cringing when I was at a bible study and "my study" was reading the paragraph about it, I noticed how he read the paragraph and was like "WTF?!?!" I could hear it in his voice lol. He stopped the study about a month later, was nice and wished me good luck, I was actually quite happy about it. So, I think what you did by calling that to the attention of the possible victim and the witnesses there made them look like fools. Such easy reasoning, "if it's in the bible, show us!!!" nice job

  • bamse

    Judge, have you been a publisher yourself?

  • primitivegenius

    awesome........ two thumbs up..... way up

  • yknot

    Keeping others from falling prey is just as vital as making the JW think........ (great one making them dodge 1914 via Bible!)

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