What Actually Helped You Leave The Organization?

by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • WalkTall

    No wonder they hate Ray Franz. Knowing how many people he has helped leave the organization, they must regret the way they treated him and wish they had a do over. Too late now!!

  • OnTheWayOut

    This is such a narrow variation on a very recent theme, so I will liven it up with a different answer.

    Freeminds.com led me to jehovahs-witness.com (now [.net]) and I saw this little 7-Up Dot asking questions.
    I asked questions.

  • minimus
  • mentallyfree31

    My brother asked me "Did you realize that WT has predicted Armageddon over 10 times already?" I did not know that.

    That question rolled around in my head for days and weeks. I finally reached the conclusion that "if somebody has predicted something 10 times, and it has always failed, they evdiently know nothing about the subject".

    Then I read Ray Franz's book.

    Now I'm out.

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