When I say thinking from the heart, I don't mean the organ. I think of emotions, empathy, conscience. Probably there is a place in the brain that is in charge of these things; I don't think it matters.
If the heart (emotions/empathy/conscience) is right (I'm speaking of 'right' by the standards of Jesus' teaching and example - but you can use any standard of different societies) then you no longer have even thoughts that might be hurtful to another person: thought crimes.
If we don't have thought crimes because our emotions, empathy, conscience are 'right', then we shouldn't progress to having physical crimes. That's why I think Jesus taught changing the heart of the person, rather than just the rules or behavior. Harder to do, but a person would be less apt to be mislead or corrupted.
Heart = thoughts = actions. Although understandably, heart sometimes just = actions.
I was confused because I try to separate my thoughts into connected ideas that are clear to me.
In Terry's World it is your Values that create Emotions. Emotions are an echo of those deeply held values.
Where it gets tricky is understanding that your Values can come from two sources.
1.Your personal decisions, observations, careful analysis
2.By default through passive thinking and accepting and absorbing the views of others around you
Meaning what?
Whenever you experience an EMOTION which you do not UNDERSTAND-- you are really encountering one of those passively-accepted values which
you inadvertantly absorbed by passive thinking.
You can rationally "know" something or someone is bad for you--but--you find yourself attracted to it or them anyway!
I hate to sound like a broken record. But, I think using the word: HEART to mean the "emotions" is to employ an ANTI-CONCEPT which
destroys the communication process and stifles understanding.
If heart doesn't mean heart why not use a word that means what you really mean? You see? Communication is important. Accuracy in thinking is
vital. Our concepts can destroy our ability to think accurately if we have passively acquired them.