Do they compel belief in the supernatural?
Would miracles cure atheism?
by hamilcarr 53 Replies latest jw friends
No. They did not convert the people of the first century to Christianity and would not do so today.
money is always a good way to get people to believe.
No, they would not.
Many people believe what they want to believe, irregardless of what they see, hear, or experience. Therefore miracles won't necessarilly change the thoughts of atheists.
Short of a super major catatclisim supernatural type event, you couldn't convince everyone that God existed.
Of course, even if it did for one generation, that doesn't mean it would for the next, or the one after that, or the one after that.
Short of a super major catatclisim supernatural type event, you couldn't convince everyone that God existed.
For some, if they can't submit an event or experience to repeatable, verifiable, experimentation, then the answer is not even then. Or, they would create a naturalistic explanation. If it is an event witnessed by many people, they will invoke some form of mass hallucination to explain it. In other words, anything can be explained away, if you don't want to believe it. When all you grok is the hammer of naturalism, every supernatural event looks like a nail. If God can't be put under a microscope, or prodded like a specimen, then he does not exist. For those that believe, no miracles are needed. For those that don't, no miracle will suffice.
I have to say, it is obvious to me that you can't argue that a genuine, living, Almighty God who actually existed would be possible to DISbelieve.
Earhquake victims would never say, "Naw, nothing happened."
It is an overwhelming, insuperable fact.
Such a fact transcends mere belief.
Belief is what you fall back on when there is only hearsay to go on.
It is our invisible, he's-up-there-somewhere imaginary construct who requires belief.
Where is Jonathan Edwards when you need him?
Why does atheism need curing?
Let's look at Jesus ressurecting Lazarus.
Let's for argument sake, say it happened.
It was an overwhelming fact for all those that saw it, a man dead for days, ressurected.
Pretty heavy shit dude !
Some still didn't believe and those that didn't see it, didn't believe it and years, decades, centuries later, it never happened.
Now, it can be argued that an event BIG ENOUGH can't be denied and that is a valid point, liek Terry said, no one denies an EarthQuake or a hurricane or a Tsunami, but these things are real and can be explained, so they don't count as evidence for the supernaturla and that is what we are talking about here, evidence of the supernatural.
What event do you (anyone) think could happen that would make ALL people believe in God, for this generation and for all others to come?