most people who complain that people are ugly usually are not much to look at either. we would ask you to post a picture XPeterX but you probably would use the John Stamos "Uncle Jesse" picture from Full House. *wasnt he greek*
Ugly Sisters
by XPeterX 65 Replies latest jw friends
I'm gorgeous in real life. I'm awesome.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I happen to think big hairy biker type guys are sexy and gorgeous, so I married one.
White Dove
I'm so beautiful that I break mirrors
Ugly means so little nowadays. Usually, if I see someone who is unattractive it's because they've let themselves go and look a bit on the crazy side, in need of meds or something.
Anyone can look attractive by having a nice personality and keeping up on their hygene and current styles.
I the unbeliever have met many ugly JW's and four very hot ones.
White Dove...
Come my love.... join me on Narcassism Island....
Kiss me!
White Dove
I'm too beautiful to hang out with ugly monkeys. So sorry
Hmm, the feminist part of me wonders when we will have as many threads about ugly, fat, unattractive men, as we do about women.
BTW, OP, what are you bringing to the table lookswise?
My goodnes....
Wheras at first my appearance may tend to horrify, let me assure you that I am a gorgeous specimen. And, true, I do act strangely at times, be certain that a monkey is capable of love.... on an island.... with other narcassists.......
I shall have to insist upon getting a monkey kiss now, love. Kiss me! I'm irresistable!
choosing life
Being that there are a lot more women/men in the witnesses, at least the guys have more to choose from. Imagine what the women think?