wow, size 17/18?!?!? By the way, that's your 1000th post.
Ugly Sisters
by XPeterX 65 Replies latest jw friends
"They're too busy looking for a Pioneering partner, or some guy who'll work full time while she pioneers."
Haha misery! That is what my sister jokingly calls the "Jehovah Witness dream!" Personally I would much rather work than pioneer.
there's an old silly song that goes something like "if you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife...but from my personal point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you" LOL somehow that seemed appropriate to the topic :-P
I agree with bluecanary A LOT about the whole stereotype of fat = ugly. I've had the unfortunate experience of being big my entire life. I was born chunky, I'm gonna die chunky, that's just all there is to it. A lot of it is genetics in my case. That being said, though, I gotta toot my own horn and say I have an ADORABLE face. I have gorgeous eyes, pretty decent skin, no "need" for makeup and I cannot tell you how many millions of compliments I have received in my life over my smile. I have probably one of the most awesome smiles you'll ever see LOL I'm sure that sounds conceited, but when that's all you hear your whole life, who am I to argue?? :-P I literally was probably "known" for my smile.
Despite being "cute", though.....the brothers NEVER looked my way. EVER. There were far too many other girls to choose from. As it was pointed out, the brothers are way outnumbered, so they pretty much have their pick of the litter. It didn't even matter when I was a pioneer. Sure, that gave me SOMETHING to offer with the way the system worked (kudos to guy who mentioned conversations feeling like interviews with spiritual resumes...ugh!)....but there were other pioneers who were thinner, more blonde, more naive, whatever.
The really sucky part was that I was always really good at being friends with guys. They just never saw me as anything more. I was always the sidekick, never the leading lady.
c'est la vie.....
Now that I'm into the ladies, I try to keep in mind that it isn't always about the size of the person. It's the size of their personality. I think that's a good rule to apply in every relationship in life, be it friend or otherwise.
I'm not drop dead gorgeous.......... sort of an Anthony Edwards type.
You really can't say ALL JW females are this or that cos' they just aint'.
Go to any UK assembly & there are pretty girls strutting their stuff in dresses that do not leave much to the imagination.
Life's just a bitch when the appearance of a person stops you getting to know the person behind the squashed face.
A funny thing about "looks" (may you all have peace!)...
I did not find my husband attractive when we first met... because (1) that's never really made any difference to me, and (2) when I was younger all of the "cute" guys wanted to talk to me but I was afraid of them (a guy who looked/thought he was "pretty" me scared me - I mean, my dad raised me to think that guys aren't really SUPPOSED to look good but more like they can fix cars and bring down large animals with a lasso, etc.). My ex was what some would call an "Adonis" (good-looking and pretty good physique)... and he was a complete ass - omigawd... self-assuiming, haughty, arrogant, thought he was "all that AND a bag of chips"... but really couldn't think past... no, not that... I was going to say the remote control. And if the conversation didn't involve the Cowboys, the Lakers, the Sharks, or heck, whatever the archery team was... he was pretty much lost. I digress.
Back to my husband: my point is that it wasn't his looks that attracted me. It was his intelligence first (he is rather brillant, if I might say so myself)... and his heart (he is one of the mildest, meekest, sweetest - but don't you mess with him, 'cause he ain't a small man - guys I've ever met!). His INSIDES were so attractive to me that I fell for him even before I knew (I had one of those "you could've knocked me over with a feather" epiphanies because I really wasn't even THINKING about men, marriage, etc., ever again. You could'a stuck a fork in me 'cause I was "done" and the LAST thing I wanted... or needed... was a mate). We were friends for some time (6 years) before that evolved into anything more (marriage).
Anyway, I have to say that I love spending time with him more than ANY OTHER PERSON ON THE PLANET (well, okay, my kids and puppies come next - 'cause they "know" me and so don't get offended by me, which is good for me - LOLOLOL!). But we NEVER argue... ever... but that's because (1) we really do respect each other... as brothers in Christ first... as friends second... and as fellow human beings. Also, (2) we think SO much alike... about virtually everything. We're one of those couples who have the same sense of humor and so laugh at exactly the same things. We have the same observation skills and so "see" things pretty much the same way. And we think alike so that we often finish one other's sentences. We each like what the other likes (except food - there, our preferences differ from slightly to greatly)... and pretty much don't like what the other doesn't like (especially when it comes to music). We are very similar people... and VERY similar "spirits."
So what I am saying? That perhaps if you look on the INSIDE... what you see on the OUTSIDE will become attractive enough. Or perhaps even to the point where you see ALL of the "beauty" that is there and not just that on the outside. Regardless of the "packaging."
Oh, but I do have to say this, because I don't want him to think I don't find him attractive (I certainly do!): once I "fell" for him and allowed myself to actually look at him (you know, beyond just being a "friend"), it hit me, "Hey, he's really quite good-looking!" That was confirmed (and it still confirmed) every time I show a female friend/co-worker his picture. They think he's REALLY good looking (ehhhh, he's aight, I guess, although I ain't no Angie Jolie myself). His 3 brothers are actually considered more good-looking (though I would vehemently disagree)... at least by the "world's" standard... and I wouldn't have a one of 'em. Knuckleheaded goobers, each one of 'em, IMHO.
Anyway (again)...
Peace to you all!
A slave of Christ,
SA, on her own... kinda... and probably giving out WTMI... but, oh well...
If physical attractiveness is caused by a combo of health, genes, and grooming/dress, then I can see how dubism would have some impact on looks.
Amish-style grooming/dress.
Bad health due to anti-medicine lifestyle.
And maybe the genes thing too, since this cult has been around for enough generations to perpetuate certain characteristics among the born-ins.
AGuest. Great comments! Thank You
Whats on the inside is way more important
Of those I have known to 'neglect' themselves...... it was squarely because the local BOE interpreted that any form of 'vanity' was immoral and treated them with little if any respect.
(MY BOE has commented on appropriateness of skirt/dress length, application of makeup, panty hose, jewelry, fragrances- including antiperspirants!, pointy cone bras, heel size, etc)
Depression was the second most common culprit of self-neglect........
If you see a woman neglecting herself (I am not talking about running to the grocery store/ errands in sweats, no makeup and in a bun/ponytail) than be assured she isn't being treated properly and she feels bad..
It is like my grandpa said......when grandma is happy.....everyone is happy!
wow, size 17/18?!?!? By the way, that's your 1000th post.
Really...what do I win? I hope it's not a date with David Hasselhoff. Ew....
Yeah, when I was single, I got more dates with men of color, as they say. My husband, who is Creole and Native American mostly in ancestry, with some English and Scots added, (Creole is Black and French if you don't know of his great great grandmothers was a mulatto who was a free woman and married a French man from Lousiana) often says to me that there's some poor black woman out there with a flat white woman's butt, because I got hers.
Yes, I could carry a stack of plates on my arse without using my hands, but my husband loves that, so I'm good. It makes pants a real pain to find...I ususlaly have to buy bigger and take the waist in about 3 inches or look for pants made for "curvy" body types.
But, I've had many a black man appreciate my behind, and a few white boys tell me it's ugly or "fat" so I'm sure that culture and such is a large determiner of what we think is attractive.