How Many Here Actually "Handled The Microphones"?

by minimus 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • nelly136

    of course the unsung hero was the knob twiddler in the corner, without him the microphones would have whistled and the right tune wouldnt have started on cue.

  • Heartofaboy

    Yep me too.

    Mic' running kept the boredom level bearable.

    I hated the things sure way to pass a cold around the cong',

    One verbose sister (in fact i thought she should have her own mic'!) would sneeze into her hand & then run the heel of her palm along her nostrils to the tip of her nose & then grab the mic'..............Eeeeeeeyewwwww

    Oh & then hand it back

  • callitquits76

    I recall one young man who was in a massive rush to impress with the Mic and new 'responsibility'. He had a real thing for this girl (daughter of an elder) at the time, he was in such a rush to impress. Anyway one thursday night he took a horrible tumble at the front of the hall by tripping over. But then i'm always laughing at somebody else' expense.

  • Caligula1

    I loved it.

  • Quillsky

    Sadly I never got to handle the microphones because I was born with a vagina and not a penis.

    I forget the scripture in the Bible that mentions microphones.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I also didn’t have the genitals required for handling mikes.

    From a female’s point of view, it was fun watching the bros, especially if you sat on the inside of the aisle, because your eyes were at a the right level to discretely check out the brothers, if you know what I mean, hehehe…

  • wobble

    Nellie's comment reminded me that we had a few sitting in corners twiddling knobs, they were nothing to do with the sound team though !

    The funniest incident was when an Elder was seconded to do the job, there being a lack of willing ones to do it, we had the old mic. leads in those days, and he did a real Inspector Clusseou , he was in the centre aisle, and he took a number of answers from either side, each time turning in the same direction, the wire wrapped around his ankles and he uttered a moan as he collapsed on the floor !

    The whole congo. fell about laughing !


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep


    They didn't have them for most of my time in and I never did get a dunking, so I was never asked.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    NO, never qualified for that; my wife won't touch them when answering up either

    she says they are crawling with germs where other people have touched or coughed on them

    Microphones at our KH are now wiped with hand cleaner wipes to prevent this plus alcohol gel dispensers at KH entrance!


  • xcellxior

    I was the sound attendant many a meeting... was great you could walk around and use any old excuse. "Just checking the sound is ok in this corner of the hall..."

    Microphones were good as well for spotting clevage but you couldn't drift off because the moment you do you dont hear what the speaker has said and then you are like "which hand to choose... emm emm emm " .

    Our sound system was a hand me down from a richer hall and was frequently acting up... Funny when people sing without music or try to...

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