I did as a teenager into my 20s . .
A bonus was every once in awhile you got a really good look at a hot sisters cleavage!!
by minimus 75 Replies latest jw friends
I did as a teenager into my 20s . .
A bonus was every once in awhile you got a really good look at a hot sisters cleavage!!
I often smiled when the mic rover, hands clasped in front of him standing at the side of the audience relaxing between paragraphs , didn't realise he looked for all the world like he was clutching his aroused member..........
I did.
Growing up in the org., it was a great privilege, a right of passage. I always enjoyed it, even looked forward to it. The meetings actually became interesting. However, I did not get to do it near enough. My hall required minimum monthly service totals, and good conduct. One of those was usually missing.
I had that privilege when I was teen. We had the mics on a long boom.
Sometimes when a buddy would be be called on to answer we entertained ourselves by moving the mic closer and closer to their mouth so that had to keep backing up their head.
I hated when someone dead center would comment and you had to do this gigantic one arm stretch to reach them. Invariably those folks would have some long winded comment that left your arm wobbling like jello by the time it was over.
Also didn't enjoy those who when they were called upon wanted to grab the mic to position it how they wanted. Hey this is my show!!
I'm a GIRL and did the microphones a few times and did the sound for a few years!!! Only because we didn't have enough men....
Also didn't enjoy those who when they were called upon wanted to grab the mic to position it how they wanted. Hey this is my show!!
Oh man...you brought back some repressed memories...hahaha
We actually had lessons during one service meeting on how the people in the audience were supposed to answer into the mikes. It was verboten to actually grap the mike. It was "our" job, the mike handler...the one "trained" in the proper use of this delicate instrument to position the mike in front of the publisher answering.
And we had private lessons on how to be a mike handler...everything from how far to postion the mike from one's mouth and what angle, to how to stand and reach across to the center of the long aisle, to how to roll up the cord and store it.
I also rmember being one of the first halls in the area to go to cordless mikes...which we gave up after a year. We were too close to a highway and kept getting CB interference. "Breaker, breaker....I've got a smokey report" or "Hey good buddy...did you see the seat cover in that convertible...that's some beaver..." the best being when a trucker went on a profanity laced tirade over the four wheeler who cut him off in traffic...
I did that on occasion. For a while, they had the microphones attached to poles. It was held in by friction, and the other idiot wanted me to point the microphone down when not in use--completely stupid. I mentioned that, if I did that, and I dropped the whole thing, it would hit the floor with the full force hitting the head of the microphone. Also, there was a damn good chance that it would fall out, plus if I bumped a chair, it would be with the business end of the microphone. Pointing it straight up made its falling out impossible, plus if I dropped it or hit something with it, it would be the pole or the handle end to take the hit (plus, the impact would be more gradual, less likely to bust the microphone).
When we went to wireless, I had the habit of turning it off when not in use. You could not point it straight anyway, so that made no difference with wireless. Turning it off was mostly to save the battery--also, you cannot possibly get feedback or banging noises from a microphone if it is turned off.
Of course, it was not worth it.
jw version of a penis extension rob?
LOL, Nelly. Yep.
I was in radio broadcast for more than 20 years. Almost every day I had a big microphone dangling in front of me. The program director always remarked about how happy and enthusiastic I sounded on the air.
This thread makes me feel really old - we only had a microphone for the speaker at the front of the hall; never had the audience mikes at any congregation I was in.
It does sound like something to do during meetings to avoid the boredom.
Of course, I was out by 1980.
I was allowed to touch one occasionally, but never to handle one.
Sounds kind of like my sex life as a JW too.