What's your favorite song by The Cult?

by Think About It 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • lepermessiah

    "Born To Be Wild" cover from "Electric"

    Seriously? If you do, thats cool! Most Cult purists even roll their eyes at that one!I never thought it was that awful, but my buddies who are die-hard fans HATE it....LOL.

    The best review of that song I ever read was on allmusic.com


    while the version of the Steppenwolf classic "Born to Be Wild" should be taken out and shot. Otherwise, an enjoyable pleasure from start to finish — even if Astbury sings "plastic fantastic lobster telephone" at one point.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I used to like the one about molesting bees but they removed it from the catalog.

  • undercover

    I love the Love album from start to finish. I guess She Sells Sanctuary and Rain are my favorites.... and Brother Wolf Sister Moon...and Black Angel...and... oh shoot...all of em.

    I was a little dissappointed in Electric. It seemd to be influenced by the hair bands/heavy metal that was just becoming popular. I have a copy of the Electric mixes from before the re-engineering of it to what was released. The earlier mixes were more like the Love mixes. It's almost a sequel to Love. I much prefer those mixes over what was offiically released.

  • 70-Years-Of-Servatude

    Leper messiah- another great song by the way, but back to the Cult. My parents really would crack down on my music. Because "born" was a cover of a song I heard many times on their own radios I used that as an excuse to blast my version. I like anything by the Cult, just have a special place for "born"

  • spawn

    Has to be Brother Wolf/Sister Moon, The only Cult to follow.

  • cantleave

    The Album "love" is in my top 20 - I used to listen to it continuously when I was studying for my "A" levels.

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