It pains me

by Weeping 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • carla

    "If one person calls you an ass, ignore him. If more than one person calls you an ass, it might be time to invest in a bridle and saddle. "- never heard that one before! or at least put that way.

    I highly doubt you are as 'hated' as you claim, people tend to think arrogant jw's are obnoxious they don't necessarily 'hate' them. Jw's go around with their false messages and prophecies, people think they are nuts and usually think no more of them until they annoy them again with their message they claim is of God but is really of a few perverted men in NY. Jw's ask people to do what they are not willing to themselves and that is to examine their relgion, history, etc... they have no real love of God or truth. If they had any truth at all they would not fear scrutiny.

    Constant feelings of persecution and being 'hated' are symptoms of mental illness, seek help.

  • Outaservice

    I too believe the Bible is the word of God and is true. However, where you have to be careful is that not all interpretation of it is inspired.

    While your heart might be in the right place, just realize that others may not agree with your way of expressing your beliefs. Start by living the Christian life in your personal life and then you may be able to teach/preach a little as you mature.

    Have a nice day.


  • ziddina

    "I am a very hated person because I openly express my opinions..."

    Dear Weeping, we - er, well, speaking for myself - I don't hate you...

    I feel very, very sorry for you...

    You are living your life in an atmosphere of fear that paralyzes you and prevents you from fulfilling your real potential. You'll never own a beautiful old antique, nor appreciate the effort that went into its creation, nor the skills of the artist who produced it, because there might be "demunz" atttached to it...

    You'll miss out on many, many wonderful, sublime works in the theater and in films, because you'll never see beneath the surface. You'll always percieve the presence of a "devil" or "demon" in theatrical art as a literal representation, instead of an allegorical illustration or symbol...

    You'll never learn about the older religions - the ones that preceeded the bible by thousands of years - because your fear will keep you from that knowledge. You'll never learn about their philosophies, beliefs, knowledge, hopes, dreams, and desires; because you'll be blocked by that petty little red-skinned monster living in your mind - and ONLY in your mind - that "devil" - and that imaginary creature controls you, controls you, controls you far more than you'll EVER realize...

    You'll mispercieve the actions of human evil into something inspired by some vaporous spirit creature, instead of taking a hard look at the reality of the evils the human race is perfectly capable of, all by themselves...

    And as long as you delude yourself about the real origins of 'evil' amongst humanity, your efforts at 'combatting' said "evil" will be totally impotent...

    Being out of contact with reality makes your efforts as one who "strikes blows at the air"... Hitting nothing, expending energy to no end...

    Dear Weeping, you said, "I admit that my thoughts are shocking..."

    Your thoughts are not shocking at all... We've seen this style of thinking before - many, many times in history. At the witch-burnings in Europe, at the witch trials in Salem, in David Koresh's cult...

    Your thoughts are not shocking, but they DO FOLLOW the style of thinking that has led to so many brutal, violent deaths of innocent people in the past...

    And you can't see any of this... Tsk, tsk, tsk...


  • A.Fenderson



    your original post in this thread seems the most sincere, calm, and sensible thing of yours I have yet read on this site. Your posts besides this one are categorically sensationalist and always focused on what you perceive to be evil, Satanic, or demonic powers influencing people and reality in very indirect ways. Many of your arguments, as alluded to above, have demonstrably zero factual basis. There seems to be almost universal agreement between the non-Christians and the Christians on this board regarding the nature of your posts, namely that your obsession with perceived evil influences is unhealthy and indicative of a personal struggle within you.

    Despite the fact that I've poked fun at you in this forum, I don't hate you, and the only people who do actually hate you are likely ones who, like yourself, have their own issues that they need to address. In my opinion, it's not normal or healthy to hate someone with misdirected but genuinely good intentions, unless that person is calling for hate, violence, or other immoral action. Unfortunately, though, many of your ideas seem not too far removed from the motivating ideas behind the horrible witch-hunt type of atrocities which have occurred again and again throughout history; for those of us who wish to see this horrible cycle broken, messages like yours are seen as very dangerous.

    When you are selling fear--and possibly even hate--you are only going to get buyers who are already looking for fear and hate: are paranoids and hate-mongers the people you're attempting to reach?

  • mindmelda

    I wouldn't be excessively rude, but if you consider "I'm not interested because I've read and studied the Bible, not just with JWs...I have an uncle who is a Baptist minister who I love dearly, but after a million conversations, I don't share his beliefs about everything he says is in the Bible."

    I'm actually a very good Bible student...I know the languages enough to understand some important things, I know the history, I know the important teachings of all the mainstream faiths. I've listened to Catholics, Lutherans (I have two good friends who are Lutheran ministers), I've talked to Rabbis, another good friend of mine is a Deaconess in a Presbyterian church.

    And, after all is said and done, I'm still a Universalist Unitarian. I would never tell anyone what they believe is wrong or crap, because I believe that all paths will eventually lead to God if the seeking of him is done in earnest.

    So, why would I have any problem with you? However, I have one tiny recommendation out of concern after reading that post. Try focusing on Christ rather than his enemy. I once spoke to Andrew Womack's right hand guy about that very topic. Womack is a televangelist, has his own ministry, but is rather low key. I like him. I think he's somewhat Charismatic. I actually love Charismatics because they just come out and tell you that Christ is a magical God! They do magic all the time for him. They call it spirit, but it's difference, really. I love those Charismatics. I love people who believe in the spiritual and the fantastical...I do.

    But, he said that he used to expell demons once or twice a week...always wrestling with them, challenging them, teaching about how to be free of them, and then one day, he had an was his own doing! By thinking more about them than about Christ, he had opened the door to all that evil and negative spiritual energy out there that he calls the Devil and I call, well, negative spiritual energy.

    When he stopped doing that...he never has since had one "demonic" experience. He said, Because a true servant of Christ never needs to fear the Devil. Never. You are stronger than he will ever be because Christ is. If you have his spirit inside you, no Demon or Devil would ever dare come near you or ever bother you.

    According to him, if you're experiencing the fear of the Devil, it's because you are giving him too much credit and power over you...only you can allow the Devil in. Spend that time dwelling on your Savior Christ and find joy in him.

    And remember, Christ never forced himself on anyone. He said, "Come to me"... not, "Get over here now, I mean it, get over here now or I'll come over there and get you!"

  • mrsjones5

    Wow you guys! Those last few posts are so heartfelt. I hope they'll touch Weeping in some like of way.

  • Heaven

    Wow you guys! Those last few posts are so heartfelt. I hope they'll touch Weeping in some like of way.

    I really don't think Weeping is listening. Here's the latest thread:

  • cantleave

    Weeping you are obsessed with one subject. Strangely enough I usually read your posts, because I love conspiracy nut-jobs like the ones you refer too. I personally believe you need help. I don't say that to be mean or to demean your belief system, but simply because you seem unhealthy to me.

  • cskyjw.sun

    hi weeping the elders would revisit the disfellowshipped.the rate of success in persuading them back is 25%,according to statistics.

  • BackRoomBilly

    cskyjw.sun ARE YOU STUPID?

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