The proper way to shut down an evil religion is through public education... not gestapo tactics.
All the Russians will accomplish will be to cause the JWs to dig in and become even more devout and dedicated.
by behemot 29 Replies latest jw friends
The proper way to shut down an evil religion is through public education... not gestapo tactics.
All the Russians will accomplish will be to cause the JWs to dig in and become even more devout and dedicated.
Well, once again this proves that the JW claim of "strict neutrality" is really a falsehood. In fact, they seem to be drawn like a moth to the flame on political issues - going so far as to distribute a tract criticising the Russian government policy.
Not too far different, really, from how Rutherford and the others got thrown into prison for sedition here in the U.S. circa WW1.
I still say that the Russians are showing their characteristic intolerance to religion on this, but that is a side point to the typical JW stubborn need to prove persecution.
What the HELL man?
How can they do this, I mean, coming into their homes and telling them what they can and can't read, monitoring what they are doing on the computer, spying on them? Man that's crazy!
P.S. What the Russian government is doing is pretty bad too.
All I can say is more power to the dissenters in Russia . I personally don't like jw's but still feel their stance of government corruption has a solid backing from all over . If more people would get on the band wagon of exposing and condemning government corruption in the US then we might actually get something done around here .
What is so important about the literature?
I think most of us know the answer to that question. The literature and the meetings are the basis for their mind control. Take those away and the WT loses its power over the members.
What scares me about this thread is that the Borg's desire to have its cake and eat it, too, seems to work on the public. They separate, alienate, and instigate conflict with "the world" until "persecution" comes along and THEN they wish to be afforded the same rights and respect as any other mainstream religion. And many here seem to actually sympathize with them. Fact is: THEY'RE NOT mainstream. They are a MIND CONTROL CULT that violates the basic human right to freedom of mind.
The rank and file are victims and shouldn't be further victimized by the government who's job is ostensibly to protect the public from the Borg propaganda but the organization itself needs to be completely shut down. It's heinous.
donuthole: The simple solution is for JW's in Russia to stop using literature that the government considers to be a violation of the constitution.
Exactly. They could simply print and distribute literature that highlighted the kingdom and leave out their endless condemnations.
Mad Sweeney: They separate, alienate, and instigate conflict with "the world" until "persecution" comes along and THEN they wish to be afforded the same rights and respect as any other mainstream religion.
It's my opinion that they intentionally provoke in this manner. Their history is full of it. They take their stick and poke the tigers eye a few times and let their flunkies take the heat. After all, it generates a little publicity, gets them a little sympathy, and feeds their persecution complex. Publishers™ might even throw a few extra bucks in the contribution boxes. Who cares if the brothers™ in Russia get stomped? they're probably not a huge source of revenue anyway.
Jehovah's Witnesses are not terrorists. They are people of peace. They do not deserve this treatment. The people responsible are those who provide the extremist literature. They're the ones to be afraid of, the ones causing genuine fear amongst far too many, the kind of fear that real terrorists would love to have in more abundant supply, quite frankly. But people promoting ideas are not terrorists; it is when the ideas create loss of life, ah....well, okay, so maybe that has happened in some cases, but...still, it's not terrorism, it's religious extremism, there's a difference.
Here's a suggestion: extradite the Governing Body to Russia and have THEM answer for the violations of the law. If they're willing to put the Russian brothers on the front lines to face the heat for THEIR literature, then they need to step up to the plate and face the consequences, like the apostles of old. Yeah, that's right. "Governing Body" members were EXECUTED in the first century for their beliefs, if you want to use JW logic on that. Will the "modern day" Governing Body put their collective behinds on the line the same way? You want to be apostles, you want to drink from Jesus' cup, then drink it.
I agree with the logical suggestion--let the Russian brothers use the Bible alone. Obey the law so far as it does not violate scripture. Where injustice happens, take it to the courts and fight for freedom. Done.
That's some excellent comments there sd-7 . The governing body needs to step up to the plate . The WTBTS is basically a peaceful organization and I often wonder why they never even get nominated for the nobel peace prize. Why would they be afraid of anything ? The way I see it you aren't in the remnant unless you do some jail time over it and die at the hands of opposers anyway and they do believe at this time it's more or less an instantanious resurrection anyway. Yah the governments are extremely corrupt but to hide in the shadows whilst those you call brothers are in the trenches is cowardly to say the least.
They are people of peace. They do not deserve this treatment.
I'm still unclear about what sort of negative "treatment" the rank and file Dub in Russia is being put through. No WT literature. No Kingdom Halls or assemblies. So far, so good. Called "terrorist" for violating the Russian constitution as an expression of their faith. Ok. Sticks and stones, plus they asked for it. Have any rank and file JWs been arrested, beaten, or had their home or food taken away?
I still haven't seen any basic human rights violation here. Can someone please point to any?
I feel the need to reiterate: What the WT Borg does to its members is a GROSS VIOLATION of human rights. The mind control they use is CRIMINAL.
And ask again: What is the Russian government doing to rank and file Witnesses that's worse than THAT?
My God, the bullsh*t! Persecution will cause the Witlesses to grow stronger - really? Think so? WRONG.
Ever notice how the Society published such wonderful growth in lands in which persecution ended? Like Spain or Eastern Europe? What was growth like before persecution ended?
Does the Watchtower give a damn about suffering Russians? or Watchtower property and income? What attitude did they manifest about compromise and property in Mexico decades ago?
No literature, huh? Do Witlesses function with only the Bible in some lands? Have they done so in the past?
So, Witlesses are feeling pressure to give up being associated with the Watchtower and its hateful literature. Well, boo-hoo, how terribly sad! So, they may begin to feel at least a little suffering comparable to family members and others being shunned by a cold hearted cult.
Here's the essence, folks: The Russkies, for all their crudeness and lack of regard for the rule of law, have now caught the Watchtower Society 'by the short hairs' and the Cult leaders are now starting to whine and complain to impotent European authorities ( that the WTS already LIED to about blood!)
How terribly sad also that the Russians have now caught them in accusations THAT ARE TRUE! Oh, Jehovah! What will we do now?