DEBATE: Did Jesus REALLY rise from the dead??

by Terry 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    More and more I see belief as being " I don't think for myself."

  • notverylikely

    Notverylikely leans over to Terry and whispers "I scold a big cloud to reinvent."

    Someone finally mentioned me without me telling someone else they were wrong. I guess you guys love me now... *sniff*

  • Terry

    Someone finally mentioned me without me telling someone else they were wrong. I guess you guys love me now... *sniff*

    We've always loved you.

  • agonus

    ... i don't know... i wasn't there...

    ...but it sure is a nice idea...

  • Terry

    I'd like anybody who skipped it to go back to my 1st post on this thread and watch the Ehrman-Lincona debate

    and tell me what you think about the ISSUES raised and discussed, please.

  • PSacramento
    Stories change over time. People have their own ideas and perceptions. Sometimes they don't hear exactly what is said so they fill in the blanks. And then, there are the exaggerations. Without the original written down, no one can say exactly what happened or was said as long ago as 2,000+ years ago. An illustration follows:
    Heaven whispers to Terry...."I love peanut butter sandwiches! Pass it on."
    Terry looks funny at Heaven for a second and then leans over to leavingwt and whispers "I load peanut brittle into my sand box. Pass it on."
    leavingwt giggles and leans over to tec and whispers "I loathe pea soup beside my sad plot." And points to the person next to Tec.
    Tec leans over and whispers to PSac "I hope pea scoops can be put on my side plate."
    PSac leans over and whispers to Zombie Dub "I hoed peat loops pumped in the spinner grate."
    Zombie Dub leans over and whispers to DGP "I sewed tea scones and bumped into my sister Kate."
    DGP leans over and whispers to Cyberjesus "I stole a bee clone that jumped onto Mr. Tate."
    Cyberjesus leans over and whispers to Notverylikely "I sold a big clown in the large tent."
    Notverylikely leans over to Terry and whispers "I scold a big cloud to reinvent."

    WHile the broken telephone analogy has been used many times, it has always been refuted as being a very bad analogy.


    Because borken telephone the game is desgined to make a mess of what is said, whereas oral tradion wasn't.

    Nothing was whispered and there were always people around to say , " it didn't happen like that".


    tec: I missed the explanation of these four criteria things that historians use, as presented by Licona.

    The criteria that have near unanimous acceptance by scholars conservative to liberal (based on Gary Habermas' work) are as follows:

    1. Jesus died by crucifixion.

    2. Jesus' disciples believed that He rose and appeared to them.

    3. The conversion of the church persecutor Paul.

    4. The conversion of the skeptic James (the brother of Jesus).

    There is a fifth fact that does not have the same support as the four (about 75% acceptance) listed above:

    5. The empty tomb of Jesus.

    Licona and Habermas delve further into these five criteria in their book The Case for the Resurrection of Christ.

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