A gang is 2 or 3 people with common identifying symbols engaged in criminal activity.
I work in the Criminal justice system. In Florida every street in the poor neighbor hoods
has its own gang. The 32nd street gang 34th street gang etc.
Youth gangs are 20 to 29 year old thugs getting 12 to 16 year old thugs to commit
felonies. Most of them suck their thumbs when they sleep at night and piss their bed.
Even the ones that arent outwardly Satanic are Satanic they have star of David and Pitch forks
for their signs.
The youth that are in gangs usually have crack head parents who accept no responsiblity.
So the youth sell drugs to make money for school and to buy things. They also
steal cars and other goods to be fenced.
Gangs are bad, but it goes with the territory of sex out of wed lock and not bringing up
your offspring, when you do the first two you create someone who is incorrigible
and will end up being institutionalized for life.
What these dead beat parents end up doing is replicating themselves.
The only way I see anyone can do anything about it is to adopt a street urchin,
then you got a 25% chance of turning him around depending how old he is to begin
Its kind of like the story of saving a star fish washed up on the shore.
A man was walking down the beach picking up star fish and throwing them
back into the sea, a passerby asked "this beach is miles long do you think you
can possibly save all these star fish, do you think you can make any difference"?
and the man looked at the starfish he picked up as he prepared to throw it back
into the sea and said, "it will make a difference to this one".
A side point with this bad economy, foster parenting street urchins is a up an comming way
to keep the bill collector at bay, if you qualify husband and wife can make 1500 to 2000$
a month for taking in one to two depending on the details.
Once you adopt them though the money gets turned off. Or at least the flow gets reduced.
In Brazil the cops shoot the kids in the street.
Here in the US we let the tax payers subsadize gang shennanigans.
It keeps the lawyers in BMW's.