I do not lightly dismiss the concerns of poor children with single parents; however, me thinks condemning all such to a future of no choices, no options, fated commitment to murder and death at the hands of cops is a wee bit much. Just Google "famous children of single parents."
To the OP, a lot of this Satanism-as-springboard-to-all-badness is just hysteria, and every case of "gangs of Satanism" roaming the dark streets of small town America that I have ever followed up on has been one or a few kids goofing off. The solitary ones have often been distrubed to the point where they really need professional help, but hardly ushering Hell into Earth.
The Satanists I have known have been rather typical people (LaVeyan).
I think we have here the making of a "horrors of Rock 'n' Roll" event, or perhaps "Reefer Madness": a lot of tempest in a pot of tea. Organized Satanist revolutionaries are much less common, and far better company, than Christians like the Westboro Baptists.