Oh my....
Fetching the popcorn to watch this....
by Lady Lee 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Oh my....
Fetching the popcorn to watch this....
Misery, they're slowpokes....but whaddya expect from females, right?
LOL...Misery are You joking? I just saw that other post that says you are being sarcastic!
LOL, I'm sorry, you ate that right up too. I apologize.
I know what Lady Lee is talking about, I might expose myself with this situation, but I remember being younger and going to a "gathering" if you will, and it was small affair, chips and dip, and we were all going to study WT study together. Mind you, we were all in our early 20's to late teens. This one married brother decided to play the role of WT conductor, he was a MS at the time. It was hilarious because he relished doing this. This was big time to him. He was the only one with a significant other at this shindig having a wife,, and she corrected a mistake he made during the study. Instead of him recognizing she was correct, and acknowledging and thanking her, he corrected her. Don't get me wrong, he didnt Ike Turner her or anything of that nature, but he put her in her place so to speak. Saying something to her, to the effect of, "I know honey, but I'm handling this tonight! You be quiet", maybe not in those exact words, but you get the point. It caught me completely by surprise. But its an example of how young men are groomed to "reach out" and "take the lead", and how young women are taught to play a supportive role.
Misery, they're slowpokes....but whaddya expect from females, right?
Exactly, what was the movie with Jack Nicholson where he played a writer who did women's books, and one of his fans asked him how he wrote women so well? And he responded, "I take a man, and take away accountability, and reason."? That what he said? What flick was that?
OK misery what I want to know is why people in their teens and twenties were hanging out at somebody's house for a pretend WT study. Talk about lame!
OK misery what I want to know is why people in their teens and twenties were hanging out at somebody's house for a pretend WT study. Talk about lame!
What's funny about that to me, I was raised in this nonsense of a religion, but looking back, that's what born-ins do and hardcore younger JWs do too. I did the double life thing all throughout high school. Did some things I wish I could take back too!! But the values(if you want to call them that) that you're raised with as a JW tug at your very soul. So even though you're living a double life, you're JW side is jockeying for position too, and so when you're invited to a "get together" to do a pretend WT, you do it. Not to mention what else can JW youth do together without chaperones?
"Hey mom, I'm going over Steve's, he just got his own place."
"And what are you guys going to be doing??! Who's going to be there!?!? I worry about you!"
"Oh, its nothing mom, we're going to study the WT together."
"Ohhhh, that's good to hear, have fun!"
I'm a born in too, but I guess I never did it because my mom did not put alot of emphasis on studying the literature, but on studying the bible. My mom went through a hating the society phase so studying the lit real deep was not encouraged.
When I was in middle school, one of my buddies who was baptised and auxillary pioneering, called me one day, talking about she was going to have a BS with me, I was like "click!"
For those who didn't get it misery said
To play Devil's advocate,
Meaning he doesn't believe this crap either. However he raises many of the rationalizations the WTS/elders use to keep the women in their place so let me go though these rationalizations and say it like it is
We all know how emotional women can be, and quite frankly getting emotional is not the best way to get results. Men deal with logic and reasoning, women deal with hormones.
I was never an "emotional" woman. I had that beaten out of me as a young child pre JWs by my father. I knew from experience if you make noise the beating only gets worse. Got my last beating from my JW mother when I was 17. I knew how to stuff the feelings down.
If women could be Ministerial Servants, or Elders, nothing would ever get done because they would be too busy gossiping and having hot flashes to ever handle their assignments. Rarely do I ever request someone handle an assignment for me.
Let's see I had two kids to get ready and myself in the time it took him to comb his hair and put on his suit. We sat in the car waiting for him . After the meeting we sat around waiting for him while he gossiped with the other elders. And I was too young for hot flashes so always handled my parts PLUS most of the interpreting PLUS caring for the two kids
If I was a woman, I'd probably always be calling someone at the last minute to handle the Highlights, or take the lead in Field Service. Why? Cause I'd be wigging out over a hot flash, or it would be that time of the month, or I'd be mad at one of the other sisters for wearing excessive makeup. So to be fair, the WTS has a point in this case.
What I saw was very well prepared sisters and the elders running around to get someone to take a part for a brother who didn't show up and hadn't called ahead. My husband wound up downstairs working up a talk more times than I can remember. He was sweating way more than I ever did. As for "that time of month" it's call pain killers - they work wonders and I still got us all to the meeting in time.
Excessive make-up? -- We only had one elderly woman who was like that and had far more interesting things to talk about than her face. For quite a while I taught people sign language after the meetings while waiting for the elders to stop gossiping so we could all go home
So misery I know it was tongue in cheek but the WTS never did have a point with this one.
Good topic.
I remember there was a time when our cong had to cook lunch at Sydney Bethel for the Ministry Training School.
One of the dishes being served was rice, to go with whatever the main dish was. One of the MS from our cong was in charge of cooking the rice.
He didn’t know how to cook rice.
He stirred it and continually stirred it, even though a couple of us sisters were standing nearby and trying to “suggest” (remember we can’t tell him what to do) that stirring the rice continuously isn’t going to produce the best results.
Gradually the rice turned into a slushy mess.
It was an embarrassment to serve up. And we know the poor guys it was served up to weren’t impressed.
But we had to be women in submission to the male.
Even if he didn’t have a clue how to cook rice.
LOL @ Misery. I like your humour.
I hope the result is that the approved men teachers mis-teach a sign, and interpret something as a highly offensive phrase (comparable to calling someone the N word, or even worse). And I hope this results in having several people walking out on the whole religion, dragging half the a$$embly out with them.