When you meet up with real life friends who are ex-Jehovah's Witnesses...

by Quillsky 12 Replies latest jw friends


    It depends on the person, how often we hang out, etc...For instance, some good friends who we see 2-4 times a week are ex-JWs. It comes up, but not often. Once every few weeks we might have a conversation about something, usually discussing everything we're going through since we left.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life
    one ex-JW relative with whom I don't discuss JW history because they almost seem to be in a bit of denial about being ex-dubs. It's like I can laugh about it and criticize it, but they can do neither. They are also the two that are the most critical of me visiting ex-JW forums.

    This is exactly my experience. Especially with one aunt who has not attended meetings in about the same length of time as me. But she is noticably uncomfortable if I bring up the subject or criticize the religion. She does not want to talk about it at all. And she thinks that I should NOT be on this forum. Even though she no longer considers herself a JW she has not dealt with the mind-control aspect of it at all. She says Jehovah's Witnesses are " a religion just like any other".

    My sister and I , on the other hand, had some very healing talks about 2 years ago about our experiences being raised as JWs. We had never talked about it before but it was good for both of us to finally do so.

  • noni1974

    When my friends and I get together we share stories of our past. I have friends whom I've known for many years both as JW's and as EX JW's. Mostly we talk about our adventures growing up. Not much JW stuff comes up. When it does we have to explain it to those who are not EX JW's so they get it.

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