Hilarious. Perry accepts "known evidence and existing physical laws" to defend his beliefs.
Yes, Rational people have a habit of doing that.
Even in a realm where there was no god, there had to be mass or energy at the beginning of the universe.
As an unbeliever, it appears that you are falling behind, not keeping up with new atheist light:
Haven't you heard? Richard Dawkins, the unofficial leader of atheist thought, holding the Science Chair at Oxford (maybe Cambridge) claims that the universe appeared out of nothing.
Dawkins, in his 2004 book "The Ancestor's Tale" wrote, "The fact that life evolved out of nearly nothing, some 10 billion years after the universe evolved literally out of nothing, is a fact so staggering that I would be mad to attempt words to do it justice."
Physicist Robert A.J. Matthews of Ashton University in England, who wrote, "It is now becoming clear that everything can – and probably did – come from nothing."
This is a total embarrassment to the atheist community as well as to anyone interested in science ...wouldn't you agree?