When I was in school, acquiring a good, all-around education was stressed constantly.
Math, English, science, history, civics, even the Bible were taught by competent instructors.
I worked hard, made good grades, and scored well on the ACT.
Then, the JW's came a-callin' and I took after them like a duck after a June bug!
Soon, I noticed with misgivings, that many in the congregation discounted education - some of the speakers' grammar was atrocious!
If I expressed dismay at this, I was given disapproving looks and counseled on the importance of not being puffed up with pride.
Of course, I had nothing of which to be proud, having come recently from the cotton fields, but no one took notice of that. What was important was that I "readjust" my thinking and "make my mind over," which simply meant conforming to WT thought.
Looking back, those 31 years I was associated with the JW's were completely fruitless.