JW's And Education

by snowbird 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BurnTheShips
    Then, the JW's came a-callin' and I took after them like a duck after a June bug!

    My father graduated in the top ten in his high school class, and this only 4 years after immigrating to the US and having to learn a new language. He had a fully paid engineering scholarship to Cornell.

    Then they came a-knockin' to his girlfriend's door. That was my mother.


  • snowbird

    For real, Cult Classic!

    I know of some cases where counselors visited students' home and implored their parents to allow them to go to college.

    These were bright kids who were at the top of their classes!

    In some cases, common sense prevailed; in others, this was to no avail.


  • snowbird

    I hear you, BTS.

    I fell for the "urgency of the times" spiel and was sucked into the organization.

    I was hornswoggled completely.


  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Snowbird, When I was a junior in high school a counselor sat with me and my mom and talked about my bright future. I was due to graduate a year early due to good grades and testing out of some classes. My mom sat there all proud and said " Oh no there will be no college for her. We're Jehovah's Witnesses and she will be entering the ministry work full time." The counselor just put my folder away and that was the end of the meeting. It is sooooo beyond ridiculous. I wish that those in education were trained how to recognize and treat cult members. But b/c witnesses attend regular school and appear to be normal, no one recognizes that help is needed.

    Cult Classic

  • snowbird
    But b/c we attend regular school and appear to be normal, no one recognizes that we need help.
    Cult Classic


    So true.


  • minimus

    JWs---The most ignorant people in the world!

  • BurnTheShips

    WTWizard calls them "value destroyers." That they are. They diminish everyone they touch.


  • snowbird


    Wizard has his own lexicon for all things WT.


  • cult classic
    cult classic

    There was a sister in my congregation who held an administrative position in one of the big hospitals here. After her baptism, she started taking the truth more seriously, eventually gave up her high paying job to pioneer. It wasn't long before she started to complaining about the territory, the flow of holy spirit in the congregation and how no one invited her and her family to gatherings. I would often think "This is what the organization reduces you to........"

    Cult Classic

  • dgp

    Sorry to be the ignoramus again. I wonder what kind of a problem this frowning on education is in poorer countries. Suppose an African girl in, say, Kenya, converts while she was finishing college, which is much, much more of an advantage in poorer countries than it is in the United States or Europe. Then the WT comes and tells her to drop her career and pioneer. I wonder if this makes any people leave the WT or never join it. Of course, nobody on this board has to know this, but I can only ask you guys.

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