Gourmet Coffee Thrown Out Because Of Yoga Exercising JW!

by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quirky1

    lol, again..

  • dissed

    While in, I had heard of the 'demonic' Yoga practice.

    While out, we tried it on a vacation recently. It was just stretching to music, that's all. Maybe there are forms that delve into the para-abnormal, but there was nothing wrong with the form we did.

  • zoiks

    My mother-in-law freaked out on her daughter because she was listening to non-English music. Her reasoning was that since she couldn't understand the lyrics, it could be demonic.

    So that's Daemonophobia and Xenophobia in one crazy package!

  • Quirky1

    I've been doing situp to try to gain a pair-o-abnormals and I still only have one..

  • Leolaia

    *** w58 5/15 p. 307 par. 8 Does Superstition or Knowledge Govern You? ***

    There is only one way to be free of the harmful superstitions and credulity, and that is by gaining accurate knowledge from Jehovah God.

    *** w62 11/1 p. 658 par. 1 Subjecting Ourselves to “Every Human Creation” ***

    These people have been made free from the bondage to untruth, ignorance and superstitions.

    *** w67 5/15 p. 317 My Treasure Find in the “Land of Promise” ***

    What a relief to be freed from misconceptions! Bible truth really does set one free from such superstitions and falsehoods.

    *** g78 11/8 p. 18 What Is Behind Those Superstitions? ***

    There are two factors, though, that nearly always lie behind superstitions — fear and ignorance. Fear of God’s wrath, the Devil, sickness, death and many other such things regularly promotes superstitious beliefs and acts.... How do you feel about superstitions? You can break free from them. The best way to do so is by making a careful study of the Holy Bible and by molding your life according to its principles.

    *** w84 11/15 p. 20 par. 18 Cleansed and Zealous for Fine Works ***

    We are not the victims of superstition.

    *** w87 11/1 p. 7 True Religion Dispels Fear — How? ***

    Just as the tropical morning sun evaporates the heavy dew of the rain forest, the light of Bible truth dispels all superstitious fear.

    *** w91 8/15 p. 8 The Pursuit of Liberty in Senegal ***

    But could it be that a person might be free physically, yet be enslaved to practices and superstitions that rob him of true liberty?

    *** w93 9/1 p. 6 Is Real Protection Possible? ***

    Jehovah’s Witnesses are helping many to free themselves from harmful superstitions.

    *** w95 7/1 p. 8 Why Search for Truth? ***

    Knowing the truth sets us free from lies, delusions, and superstitions.

    *** w95 8/15 p. 28 Resist Ungodly Traditions! ***

    Yes, Christianity sets people free — free from enslavement to superstitions.

    *** g96 8/8 p. 19 Should You Fear the Dead? ***

    Accurate knowledge can set a person free from unfounded superstitions.

    *** g99 10/22 pp. 7-9 Superstitions—Why So Persistent? ***

    Many superstitions are closely connected with cherished religious beliefs...In summary, then, superstitions persist because they are rooted in fears common to mankind and are backed by numerous cherished religious beliefs... These present a number of subtle dangers. For one, the superstitious person could in effect be surrendering control of his life to unseen forces.

  • Leolaia

    Ah yes, those lucky JWs, so free from superstition!! Makes me yearn for the days I was among them, I had no superstitious worries in the world!

  • minimus

    Ah yes...the superstition of stretching and exercise! Why fat JWs abound!

  • minimus


  • yknot

    That is just soooo messed up!!

    (BTW coffee grounds and baby oil can help get ease cellulite!)

  • minimus

    yknot....that sounds like demonism.

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